Saturday, May 15, 2010

Small Business Owner Asks for Donations to Save Jobs and Business - Government Not Helping by Raising Taxes

Steve Rabenberg, Owner of Fiji Tan in St. Charles, Mo., is asking for people to "give" a donation to help save his business. Four jobs, many loyal customers and looming bankruptcy are at stake. Can donations help save a small business?

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Have you ever wondered why all the bailout money didn't help the little guys?

Saint Charles, MO (PRWEB) May 16, 2010 -- It seems to happen almost every day. You drive down the street and wonder, "there used to be a dry cleaners in that strip center, what happened'? Small business owner Steve Rabenberg is fighting to keep his small business, Fiji Tan open. His solution is a bit different.

Go to to make a difference!
Go to to make a difference!
Reuters reported "there were 89,402 bankruptcy filings by businesses last year, compared with 64,584 the previous year" an increase of 38%. There is no exact number, since many are tied to personal bankruptcies, not just company bankruptcy figures.

The government isn't helping. With Billions to bail out Wall Street, GM and others, why isn't the small business being helped? Small business's employ over half of the private sector employees according to the Small Business Administration. Soon, the new Tanning Tax will take affect, and hurt him even more. "I cannot raise my prices because the government is doing it for me," a frustrated Rabenberg stated.

Most small business owners struggle and struggle, borrow from friends and family, and then stoically disappear…just a victim of the "economic downturn". Rabenberg won't have it. "I may have to swallow my pride, but I refuse to stoically disappear…I have to fight for my four employees, my customers, and my family."

His answer came to him at 5 am one morning. Ask for help. Simple, yet not so easy for the average entrepreneur. His solution? Tell his story on his website, . You can read all about his story, how his dream of owning a Tanning salon is being crushed by the economic times. He is not alone, but his approach is unique. "I think people are frustrated, they want to show support for the small business, but don't know how. Now they have a way, they can help save Fiji Tan, and in the process become part of something bigger."

With a growing number of business failing every day, what makes saving this business so important? He puts a face on it. Not just some newscast about how many businesses are failing this year, but a real story, a real struggle. Something to rally behind.

"It doesn't take a whole lot to save Fiji Tan, but it is everything to me and my family. I just have to trust in God and know that things will work out", says Rabenberg.

For more information contact Steve Rabenberg, fijitan(at)yahoo(dot)com, 314-600-0088

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