Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oklahoma City Surgeon Assembles Team for Haiti Relief Effort

Double Harvest is an organization that has been working in Haiti for many years. This group has built a village with a tilapia farm that serves as support for residents of the area. Double Harvest has had clinic facilities to serve its area for some time, but their function has become much larger in recent days. OKC Surgeon, Dr. Houshang Seradge is leading a team to help fill the new demands at the facility

Oklahoma City, OK (PRWEB) January 27, 2010 -- In his daily update from Haiti, Frantz Angus tells us “Improvising is our new word at Double Harvest. The front part of the clinic is used as pre-op and ’triage’ area. Our nurses and doctors are almost working around the clock. The clinic is so full; we have had to open 3 classrooms and the gym to accommodate patients. The whole cafeteria was full of people needing help today. We needed some orthopedic drills. We had to take the cordless drills from the community to drill our way to bone for external fixators.” He continues, “The bad thing with all this is the amount of patients taken care of during the first days when there was a lack of medicine and sanitary conditions. They are developing infections. Today we had to amputate two feet and a leg because of situations like that.” In addition to the patients that are being treated, busloads of orphans are also arriving daily at Double Harvest. Mr. Angus reported that just this week so many orphans arrived it was impossible to make an accurate count.

People Gather Outside to Wait in Line for the Clinic
People Gather Outside to Wait in Line for the Clinic

Oklahoma City Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Houshang Seradge and his medical team have volunteered to go to Haiti to care for injured children and adults at Double Harvest. Dr. Seradge said “Our team wants to go and help as much as possible.” Double Harvest is working to put together additional teams that will rotate into this community northeast of Port-Au-Prince. Each team will attempt to add to the equipment and supplies in the hospital.

To this end, we are asking your help in sending supplies with our OKC team. Dr. Seradge and his group need medications, especially antibiotics, orthopedic tools and implants and external fixation equipment, bandages and all other supplies for performing orthopedic surgery and first aid. 100% of any monetary donations will be used to purchase antibiotics and additional supplies. All monetary donations and medical supplies can be donated to the Oklahoma Foundation for Orthopedic Health which is a 501-C3 public, not-for-profit organization. Your donation is 100% tax deductible. Because our team will be leaving as soon as possible, there is urgency to our effort.

"Today, we had to amputate two feet and a leg..."
Double Harvest is an organization that has been working in Haiti for many years. This group has built a village with a tilapia farm that serves as support for residents of the area. Double Harvest has had clinic facilities to serve its area for some time, but their function has become much larger in recent days. For more information about Double Harvest and to follow what is happening there, please visit their website at

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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