Tuesday, March 10, 2009

California Attorney Dispenses Advice & Information to Debt-Stressed Consumers in New Book: Debt Collection Answers: How to Use Debt Collection Laws to Protect Your Rights

Book Empowers Californians As Complaints About Debt Collectors Soar

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) March 10, 2009 -- Los Angeles attorney Robert Brennan with the Law Offices of Robert F. Brennan and a noted consumer law attorney, is the co-author of a new book, "Debt Collection Answers: How to Use Debt Collection Laws to Protect Your Rights". The book educates California consumers about their debt collection rights. Brennan's co-authors are Gerri Detweiler, a nationally-known personal finance expert, and personal finance writer Mary Reed.

"Debt Collection Answers, CA Edition" provides California consumers who are drowning in debt with a financial life raft. The book details what they should and shouldn't do when a debt collector contacts them and tells them how to exercise their debt collection rights. "When consumers are struggling financially, being pressured by debt collectors only adds to their problems", says Brennan. "Furthermore, many consumers respond to debt collectors in ways that make their situations worse, not better. My new book provides them with the information they need to handle calls from debt collectors."

Among other things, Debt Collection Answers, CA Edition explains:

  • The debt collection protections provided by California's Rosenthal Act and by the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
  • What to do when a debt collector contacts you the first time.
  • What to say (and not say) when you talk to a debt collector.
  • What debt collectors can really do to collect money from you.
  • How to respond to high-pressure debt collection tactics.
  • How to settle debts for less than the full amount.
  • When you need the help of a consumer law attorney.

The book also includes sample letters to write, a worksheet for recording the details of conversations with debt collectors, and an interview about debt collection tactics by a former debt collector.

Aggressive debt collectors are an increasing problem in the U.S. According to the Federal Trade Commission, more complaints were received in 2007 about the debt collection industry than any other industry. Common complaints include harassment by debt collectors who called repeatedly and/or used threatening or profane language and debt collectors who threatened consumers with illegal actions.

Debt Collection Answers is available for purchase at http://www.debtcollectionanswers.com in a downloadable digital version for $14.95.

About The Authors
Attorney Robert Brennan grew up steeped in the legal tradition: his uncle was former U.S. Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. (deceased), and his father, Frank Brennan, was chief in-house counsel for several major U.S. corporations during his long career.

Robert Brennan began his career in civil litigation in 1988, and opened his own general practice firm, The Law Offices of Robert F. Brennan in 1991 (www.brennanlaw.com).The firm specializes in litigating cases related to violations of consumer protection laws, including unfair and abusive debt collection, lemon law, automotive dealer fraud, wrongful credit damage, personal injury, and consumer protection class actions.

An experienced and aggressive trial lawyer with an excellent win record, Brennan has a wide range of successful litigation experience, including medical malpractice, consumer fraud (including consumer warranty and "lemon law" issues), personal injury, and business litigation. He is also a nationally recognized speaker on consumer protection and consumer fraud issues, and has published numerous articles on those and other litigation issues.

Brennan is a member of the State Bar of California, the Los Angeles County Bar Association, the Hollywood Bar Association, the San Fernando Valley Bar Association, the Irish-American Bar Association, the California Association of Consumer Attorneys, the Consumer Attorney's Association of Los Angeles, and the National Association of Consumer Advocates, for which he was a founding member.

Gerri Detweiler is a nationally recognized credit expert who has been interviewed about credit and debt by many national as well as local media. Most recently she appeared on CNN's Issue #1 and CNBC's On the Money.

Mary Reed is a personal finance writer who has co-authored or ghostwritten 21 books on consumer money matters. She has also written articles on the subject for national magazines.

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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