Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Oxygen Software Showcased New Oxygen Forensic Suite 2 at UK Law Enforcement Mobile Phone Examiners Conference 2009

Oxygen Software has announced its golden sponsorship of the UK Law Enforcement Mobile Phone Examiners Conference where its executives showcased the newest version of Oxygen Forensic Suite 2 that introduces two innovative features - web cache analysis and geo event positioning.

Moscow, Russian Federation (PRWEB) March 10, 2009 -- Oxygen Software has announced its golden sponsorship of the UK Law Enforcement Mobile Phone Examiners Conference, where its executives, led by CEO Oleg Fedorov, showcased version 1.6 of Oxygen Forensic Suite 2, the world most advanced software tool for investigators.

The conference, which ran from February 17 to February 18 in Blackpool, United Kingdom, was attended by 120 forensic experts and technical investigators from the UK law enforcement organizations. The conference topics focused on the methods of forensic data extraction and software tools for investigators. Oxygen's executives led 5 presentations where they provided an in-depth look at their proprietary low-level protocols for extraction and analysis of data from a seized phone and presented the newest version of Oxygen Forensic Suite 2.

On this occasion, commented the Chief Executive Officer of Oxygen Software, Mr. Fedorov: "The main challenge forensic experts are faced with when they need to extract data from a smart phone lies in the backwardness of the current PC-to-mobile protocols used to access data. All modern protocols - OBEX, SyncML, AT-commands - were originally developed for data synchronization, which means they do not meet the requirements of mobile device forensics, regarding the invariability of data. When it comes to smart phones, standard protocols can extract only a little bit of digital evidence, the top of the iceberg, so to speak. To analyze all content, investigators have to use costly hardware solutions. But things are changing. Now, we are offering an affordable, easy, yet technically sophisticated tool to get the maximum of evidential content from handsets, especially smart phones."

The new Oxygen Forensic Suite incorporates Oxygen's breakthrough technology for the total extraction of critical data from more than 1300 of the most popular cell phones, including Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, Motorola, Vertu and smart phones powered by Symbian OS, Windows Mobile and Blackberry. The program automatically performs forensic extraction of the following data: general phone information and SIM-card data; address book; caller groups data; calendar events; text notes; incoming, outgoing and missed calls history, including time and duration; GPRS, EDGE, CSD, HSCSD and Wi-Fi traffic and sessions log; SMS, MMS and E-mail messages, including the messages from custom folders; deleted SMS information (with some restrictions); camera snapshots, video clips and voice records; files and directories from the phone memory as well as from flash card; list of installed applications: Java as well as native smart phone apps; list of tuned FM radio stations.

New to version 1.6 is a feature called "Web cache analyzer". It enables the user to preview and analyze the cache of standard and third-party mobile web browsers. Now the investigator can research the history of visited web-pages, preview and analyze .html, .jpeg, .png, .dat and other files, stored in the browser cache.
Another new feature that makes Oxygen Forensic Suite stand out is called "Geo event positioning". It is based on the Nokia's LifeBlog application, preinstalled in most of the smart phones powered by Symbian OS. LifeBlog stores phone events, such as SMS, photos, calendar events together with their geographic coordinates. Oxygen Forensic Suite can tell the investigator and show on Google Maps the exact coordinates of the phone owner at the moment of receiving or sending an SMS message, taking a snapshot or recording a video on the mobile camera.

The attendees of the conference were fairly interested in the presentations, led by Oxygen Software and each one was presented a CD-ROM disk with a fully-functional trial of Oxygen Forensic Suite 2 ver.1.6.
At the conference, Oxygen Software also signed a partnership agreement with Data Duplication Ltd under which Data Duplication will resell Oxygen Forensic Suite in the UK.

For more information on Oxygen Forensic Suite 2 ver.1.6, technical specifications of Web cache analyzer and Geo event positioning, please visit the links below:

Oxygen Forensic Suite 2 website: http://www.oxygen-forensic.com

Web cache analyzer: http://www.oxygen-forensic.com/en/features/webanalyzer/

Geo event positioning (LifeBlog) data: http://www.oxygen-forensic.com/en/features/lifeblog/

About Oxygen Software
Founded in 2000, Oxygen Software is a Moscow-based company, targeting the mobile market with its PC software for cell phones and smart phones. Among its leading titles are Oxygen Forensic Suite, Oxygen Express for Nokia phones and Oxygen Phone Manager II for Symbian OS smart phones (all Symbian smart phones supported - Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Samsung, etc). The company is an official member of Nokia Trade point and Forum Nokia PRO. For more information, visit www.oxygensoftware.com.

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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