Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Social Security Attorneys Prepare for Increased Baby Boomer SSI Claims

SSI law firm Berry and Associates is cautioning disabled consumers about longer waits to Social Security Disability cases. Lawyers are cautious that the increasing demands of the population have outpaced infrastructure capabilities within the Social Security Administration system.

Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) August 6, 2008 -- The population spike within Baby Boomer generation has influenced society throughout their lives. As this generation matures additional areas of society have adapted to the demand for Baby Boomer services. One area that is not keeping pace with the Boomers is wait times for Social Security Disability cases.

For many looking to receive Social Security Disability (SSI and SSDI), it can take two or three years to complete under the current system. This is a concern for Social Security attorney, Matt Berry, Founder and Principal of Berry and Associates. The law firm's website offers disabled consumers help with navigating the Social Security system.

Berry, an experienced Social Security Disability (SSI) lawyer has witnessed the increasing length of time a person has encountered within the disability system. The notion that a person submitting a SSI disability application today may wait two or three years to receive the benefits he is entitled to is alarming.

"A sociological shift of workers retiring with pensions in their 50's to workers continuing careers well into their 60's has put a natural strain on the Social Security Disability system," explains Matt Berry. "We are focused on educating the consumer to seek out the professional help of an experienced Social Security attorney earlier in their benefits case. The earlier the consumer reaches out to us, the faster we are able to help affect the outcome of their disability case."

As a result of increasingly longer wait times the law firm has increased their online marketing activities to further reach out to the disabled community. The expectation is the law firm will be able to have an impact for many disabled consumers earlier in the process. The law firm expects some of the greatest impacts will be among Baby Boomers that are comfortable with the Internet.

Keith Hanks of TwentySix2 Marketing said, "The Baby Boomer generation has integrated various online technologies into their lives. Providing Baby Boomers with enhanced online capabilities to locate, contact and evaluate their medical condition against Social Security standards is going to help decrease wait times, and improve win ratios of many disabled consumers. Berry and Associates is positioned to play a critical role in impacting the lives of thousands of disabled consumers and their families."

As a method to reach out to disabled consumers with disability questions Berry and Associates offers a free disability case evaluation. For many disabled consumers the law firm can help you apply for SSI Social Security disability benefits and can help with a denied SSI application that is pending an appeal. The free case evaluation is intended for disabled consumers undergoing the SSI or SSDI application process.

Finding an Attorney to help with your Disability Impairments:
Documenting your impairments is essential to receiving disability benefits. The Social Security Administration is going to be looking for medical evidence that supports your disability claim. Too often Baby Boomers find deserving disability applications are denied because the medical evidence was not presented properly.

When working with a disability attorney Berry and Associates stresses you work with one that has experienced in cases that fit your medical condition. For example, MS disability attorneys (lawyers), bipolar disability attorneys (lawyers) and diabetes disability attorneys (lawyers) can be a valuable resource to those with MS, bipolar disorder or diabetes. Berry and Associates has experienced staff to help with other disability impairments and symptoms including:
- Bipolar disorder
- Breast cancer
- Congestive heart failure (CHF)
- Cardiac obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Crohns disease
- Colitis
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Chronic depression
- Diabetes
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Retinopathy
- Kidney failure
- Blindness
- Heart disease
- MS (multiple sclerosis)
- Parkinson's disease
- Schizophrenia

For more information about Social Security Disability visit

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About TwentySix2 Marketing:
Founded in 1997; TwentySix2 is one of the most advanced online marketing agencies dedicated to helping businesses achieve their full online potential. The firm assists both large and small businesses, including thirty of the top Fortune 1000 companies. TwentySix2 Marketing has been a leader in the online marketing industry, providing services in search engine optimization, paid search, affiliate marketing, email marketing, blog marketing, social media, web design and online consulting services and strategy.

About is maintained by Berry and Associates. Berry and Associates Social Security Disability Lawyers are Attorneys that can help with SSDI, SSD and SSI Disability Benefit Claims. Learn what we do to help consumers fight for disability benefits by visiting

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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