The Life Management System, an innovative software program from Critical Life Data provides consumers with simple, step-by-step method for collecting vital information and securely storing it permanently for instantaneous access when needed following a disaster or family emergency
Chicago, IL (PRWEB) August 5, 2008 -- In today's information age, the data that documents our lives from birth to old age, is as tangible - and valuable - an asset as oil or gold. During the average lifetime, hundreds of thousands of records are generated about us, including our bank accounts, medical records, insurance policies, pension plans and even our final wishes. Yet, astonishingly, most people don't store the most critically important data about themselves and their relatives in a secure, central location for quick access in the event of an unforeseen tragedy or natural disaster. This can be a costly, and completely avoidable mistake, says John Ladick, managing partner for Critical-Life-Data.Com, LLC™ and The Life Management System©, an innovative new software program.

Developed in consultation with a team of medical professions, estate and financial planning attorneys specializing in personal property law and data storage experts, Mr. Ladick says The Life Management System is remarkably simple to use, yet has the comprehensiveness and flexibility to serve the needs of anyone. Using an intuitive, graphic interface, the program provides step-by-step prompts to help the user answer questions that quickly build a "digital profile" of themselves and their loved ones, including their assets, obligations and bequests.
"We find that our customers come to think of The Life Management System as the go-to expert on every aspect of who they are in the eyes of society and the law and those who depend on them," Mr. Ladick commented. "Within minutes of installing the program, even novice computer users are -effortlessly ensuring the safety and future accessibility of their personal records, a decision that can pay huge dividends later in assisting relatives, attorneys and even caregivers in protecting their interests and following their wishes."
While the possibility of suffering the loss of our homes or personal records may seem remote to some of us, statistics paint a startlingly different picture. According to the United Nations, agencies involved in monitoring natural disasters report that over the last quarter century the number of catastrophes around the world has been increasingly annually. Predictably, so too has the incalculable cost both in human suffering and economic impact.
To offset the risk of losing records stored at home through fire and burglary or disasters caused by flooding, mudslides, tornadoes and storms, federal departments such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security recommend that Americans create a personal plan for protecting and recovering vital documents. In addition to safeguarding records in a portable, waterproof container, disaster experts urge citizens to have digital backup copies of data secured in multiple remote locations or online.
"Losing personal data can take a heavy financial and emotional toll in various ways," Mr. Ladick stated. "For example, state treasuries estimate that approximately 7 out of 10 families have unclaimed assets or money waiting for them because they are unaware of bank or brokerage accounts or other property that a relative did not document. Approximately $35 billions dollars each year turn into unclaimed government assets instead of being deposited into the bank accounts of American families. This can't happen when such information is captured in The Life Management System."
With the wide availability of personal computers, Internet connectivity and low cost data storage discs, Mr. Ladick believes that the time is ripe for what he calls "the grab and go family data vault" approach to achieving peace of mind in an ever more uncertain world.
"As the ultimate personal organizer, The Life Management System truly empowers individuals to take control of their affairs today, and if the occasion arises, to save critical response time in an emergency with finger-tip access to data that can make a world of difference," Mr. Ladick said.
How The Life Management System™ Works:
Designed in a straightforward "question and answer" format, the Critical Life Data Life Management System guides users progressively through the collection and storage of documentation that covers every significant aspect of their busy lives. Features of the Critical Life Data offering include:
- Quick reference emergency contact data and critical personal information
- Emergency medical information, conditions, contact information and directives
- Documented insurance information for home, life, auto
- Quick reference financial and legal information
- Supplement sections for digital and data documentation
- Documentation of your Pets and an expandable Livestock/Specialty Animal Inventory Journal
- Bequests and estate planning, including religious and ceremony preferences, donations, burial
The Life Management System is affordably priced at $49.95 for a downloadable version, $69.95 on compact disc or 1 gig USB, or $89.95 for a 4 gig USB (plus shipping and handling). Each purchase includes one year of support and software upgrades when product is registered. The Life Management System is the easiest-to-use and most comprehensive personal data management program available for protecting consumers from loss due to emergencies and life's unplanned events. To purchase The Life Management System, or for further information, visit or call (630) 215-2875.
About Critical Life Data.Com, LLC
Critical-Life-Data.Com, LLC, is the developer of The Life Management System, a software program designed to streamline the process of collecting, storing and accessing vital personal and family data in a secure, readily available format. Product development was a team approach with partners representing business, educational, financial, legal, and medical fields says John A. Ladick, Managing Partner and First Responder as a Critical Care Paramedic (CCEMTP). Mr. Ladick stated "The Life Management System" grew out of the product teams own personal experiences when faced with the need to locate critically important data in the face of unexpected circumstances. As a team, we have dedicated the efforts of our company to ensure that no one needlessly endure the difficulty and frustration inherent in accessing data in their time of need.
Additionally, with each purchase Critical-Life-Data.Com, LLC will donate a percentage of each sale to the Red Cross and Ronald McDonald House for humanitarian assistance and to each of the following research foundations to aid in the fight for a cure for: Alzheimer's, Arthritis, Cancer, Diabetes, and Heart related diseases.
"Remember To Document". For further information about Critical-Life-Data.Com, LLC or to purchase The Life Management System, visit or call (630) 215-2875.
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[Via Legal / Law]
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