TEA PARTY: The Documentary Film is gaining new attention, blasting back at racist accusations leveled against the tea party movement by Left-wing media and big government politicians like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Representatives Barney Frank, John Lewis and others. A major distribution deal and an upcoming feature at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference assure that the film’s message is reaching even further into the mainstream debate.
I have documented the Tea Party since it began and I've never seen any racism. -Luke Livingston, Exec. Prod.
Woodstock, GA (PRWEB) April 2, 2010 -- In the wake of the health care vote, liberal media and progressive politicians have made unsubstantiated claims that tea party activists chanted racial slurs at several leading elected representatives on the day the health care bill was passed in the House. TEA PARTY: The Documentary Film attacks these allegations head-on through the eyes of Nate, a young black man and Candidate-Obama-supporter turned tea party activist. The film also tells the story of William Temple, a South Georgia Revolutionary War re-enactor and senior pastor of a mixed race church. The truth about the tea party movement is revealed as a principles-based, grassroots awakening for Constitutionally limited government, personal responsibility and free market solutions to America’s financial woes. The message challenges its detractors to explain their claims, calling them to an indefensible position.
The film’s message is finding a growing audience with a recent distribution deal reaching millions through the American Family Association and a pending deal with Comcast. On Thursday, April 8, the film will be featured alongside Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Haley Barbour, Mike Pence, Rick Santorum and others at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans at a session called “Lights, Camera, Conservatives!”. Kirstin Hopkins, Deputy Director of SRLC 2010, says, “SRLC 2010 is not only a platform for conservative leaders and experts -- this year delegates will have the added benefit of hearing from some of the top conservative film makers in the country, as well. We are proud to debut the first official SRLC film festival in New Orleans, and look forward to screening Tea Party: The Documentary Film.”
Preview trailers and a press kit on the film is available for download at www.teapartymovie.com/getinvolved
The film is available for purchase at $19.95 directly from www.teapartymovie.com. For media permissions or to schedule an interview please contact Luke Livingston at 770-928-8003
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