Saturday, October 3, 2009

TLC Removal of Dad Jon Gosselin From Hit Show Title a Slap in the Face of Fathers--Men's Divorce Law Firm Denounces Gender Bias

As the Gosslien family struggles through divorce, TLC has decided to change the focus of the show to that of Kate Gosselin struggling as a single mother. The decision makes a strong statement about society's view on the role of single fathers in divorce.

(PRWEB) October 3, 2009 -- The TLC network recently announced that its hit reality show will be adapting to the changes in the Gosselin household by dropping co-star and father Jon Gosselin from the title. The renamed "Kate Plus Eight" begins Nov. 2.

For months the show has been disrupted by the divorce of Jon and Kate. According to TLC, the show "will continue to focus on the lives of the young Gosselin twins and sextuplets but with a deeper focus on Kate's role as a single mother." TLC also says Jon Gosselin will continue to appear on the show but less often.

According to Attorney Jeffrey Feulner, founder and managing attorney of the Men's Divorce Law Firm in Winter Park, Florida, "This decision completely undermines the role of the father in these children's lives. Unfortunately, divorce often results in the children spending less time with each of their parents, but to completely remove the father from the show's title sends a strong statement about society's view on the importance of the father in these children's lives."

TLC president Eileen O'Neill explained in a statement, "given the recent changes in the family dynamics, it only makes sense for us to refresh and recalibrate the program to keep pace with the family." O'Neill further explained that "(t)he family has evolved and we are attempting to evolve with it; we feel that Kate's journey really resonates with our viewers."

Attorney Feulner goes on to explain, "TLC's decision underscores the bias fathers still face in our society. There has been no court decision awarding custody of the children to the mom, Kate Gosselin, yet TLC acts as if it is a foregone conclusion. The Gosselins could rotate custody of the kids, or Jon could be awarded the majority of time with the children. Is TLC committed to renaming the show 'Jon Plus Eight' if dad is deemed the primary parent? The divorce process is in its' infancy. TLC's decision was premature, disheartening and inexcusable."

If the show is attempting to adapt to the changes in the Gosselin family, according to TLC executives, divorce means Jon Gosselin will not only have a less important role in the show, but also in the lives of his children. TLC's decision to fire Jon Gosselin should certainly strike a chord with single fathers nationwide.

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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