Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Visibility Magazine's Legal Corner Provides Important Aspects of Internet Marketing Strategy

As governments try to catch up to the ever-changing world of internet marketing, important legal implications can sometimes be overlooked in a company's online marketing strategy. Travis Crabtree, who has focused his practice on internet marketing and online media, contributes to the Legal Corner in Visibility Magazine to help marketers and businesses understand important legal aspects of internet marketing.

Plymouth, IN (PRWEB) July 14, 2009 -- Visibility Magazine, the magazine for online marketing strategies, has continued to meet many different informational needs of businesses and internet marketers alike. A new feature this year in the magazine is the Legal Corner. Travis Crabtree, an attorney with Looper Reed & McGraw, P.C., brings a unique perspective to his emerging media and commercial litigation practice and to Visibility Magazine.

Visibility Magazine
Visibility Magazine

Travis graduated from the University of Missouri School of Journalism and spent several years in television news before taking on a law career. He explores the emerging legal issues and trends for internet marketing and online media in Visibility as well as on his blog eMediaLaw.com. The following are articles you can check out in the Legal Corner:

Courts' Inability to Keep Pace Leaves Little Legal Guidance for Online Marketers - March 2009

The legal system is built to work slowly. The pressing issues of the day are meant to develop before they become ripe for judicial fodder. For internet marketing, however, by the time the law catches up, the industry has moved on to the next trend. As a result, there is little legal guidance for some of the most rudimentary online marketing practices.

Read the full article ->

When the Fine Print Matters--What You Need in Your Contracts - June 2009
Fine print is everywhere, so you might as well use it. If things go awry, certain terms and conditions in your contracts with affiliates and customers could save you too.

Read the full article ->

They Can't Do That on the Internet!--Online Reputation Management or Sue? - Coming in September!

Everyone and everything is reviewed, gossiped about and parodied online with the most damaging comments often appearing on the first page of search results. When that happens, should you file a lawsuit or manage your reputation online?

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Keep following the Legal Corner to stay up to date on the emerging issues facing internet marketers. If you have a legal questions you would like answered in a coming issue of Visibility Magazine, email us at legalcorner@visibilitymagazine.com.

To view other marketing strategy articles, go to:


See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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