The Credit Repair BootCamp has been announced by credit repair business leaders to help educate individuals on how to start a credit repair business. Anyone that is even remotely considering entering the highly profitable credit repair business industry will immediately benefit from attending this history making event. Information that was once secretive will be shared with all attendees. Credit repair industry leaders will spill their guts, and let all of their insider secrets out to a limited number of attendees at the first ever credit repair bootcamp for the credit repair business industry.
Tampa, FL (PRWEB) April 20, 2009 -- For years the credit repair industry has been plagued with unscrupulous individuals and shady dealings. "The time has come for change in this industry" says Michael Citron, co-founder of In a recent discussion with Citron, he stated his true belief is that the credit repair industry is not riddled with stigmas because of "ill intention, it is ILL-EXECUTION"… Citron later explained that there is no formal schooling, standardized credit repair training, or testing to enter this lucrative industry. In most states, there is no formal licensing required. This will often lead to improper expectations of the new business owner. As Citron explained, the new owner often comes from a similar background, usually real estate related fields, where they may have touched the surface of reviewing credit- but usually don't have the in depth knowledge and skill needed to properly operate a successful credit repair business.
With any quick internet search, it is easily observed that there are 100's if not 1000's of publications online, that "Teach" you how to start a credit repair business. In review of several of these books and credit repair training courses purchased - something is amazingly similar about all of the ones we reviewed- They don't actually teach you how to start a credit repair business… As a matter of fact, one of the more expensive "Home-Study" courses actually condoned the use of a 10 year old tactic of "Say it's not mine"… not only was this credit repair training course over priced, at it's close to 4 digit price tag -but, the materials and advice could land anyone that followed it, in a huge legal mess! Many industry leaders have become disgusted with the way this industry is viewed, several have decided to come together to create the industries first 3-day live conference!
Credit Repair industry leaders that have decided that "enough is enough" we need to have some formal training available in a live format for those who are currently in the credit repair industry, and those who are considering starting a credit repair business.
With the credit crunch gobbling up the unexpected, along with the flagrant disregard of consumer rights by lenders- consumers need qualified people to help more than ever before. Since credit repair businesses started catching some ground about 10-12 years ago, the credit repair business opportunity has proven to be lucrative and one of the few recession proof businesses. Starting a legal, moral and ethical credit repair business- however- is not as simple as a $29 or even $999 E-Book..
The credit repair business is a great way to help people and earn a substantial living at the same time. In order to ensure that you are helping people, having the best credit repair training will quickly prove to be your credit repair businesses most valuable asset.
Prior to the recent announcement, there was no standardized credit repair training. Most credit repair business owners and leaders kept their credit repair business secrets well guarded. The industry leader's fear of leaking their credit repair business secrets is unfounded! With today's tough economy, there are countless people that need help! With the right credit repair training, the once mysterious and unanswered question "how to start a credit repair business" will instantly be answered.
The first ever industry event will be held very soon- Since the announcement, the phone calls to the reservation lines have been non-stop! And the e-mails praising the idea have been buzzing in says Citron. Citron, is a recognized credit repair industry leader, he trains and consults with some of the largest credit repair companies in the U.S. and Canada, his clients reach as far as England and Guam..
Reservations have already come in from a variety of businesses including one-person operations just starting out to, 50+ person enterprises that have been operating for years. Those holding reservations have already commented that it will be a great opportunity to network with like-minded professionals, says Citron.
This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity to rub shoulders with the greatest minds of the credit repair industry! Learn DIRECTLY from the leaders at this live event.
Michael Citron has spearheaded this history making event for the credit repair industry and is proud to have lined up some major credit repair industry leaders to share the stage with him. To start, Edward Jamison- founder and president of Credit CRM will be presenting and training on the intricate FICO scoring models and the recent release of FICO 08. Michael Citron will be speaking on advanced tactics for credit disputes, advanced credit repair and credit dispute training. Daniel Rodrigue, CEO of Global Credit Support will be speaking on successful habits of efficient high volume credit repair companies. Daniel's company provides services to the credit repair businesses of all sizes. His organization consists of greater than 40 employees that operate at a 9000 square foot facility. No one's success story is as great as his! His operation started with only 2 employees- him and his wife. He will unleash the insider secrets on starting a credit repair business from the ground up.
Mr. X is the owner of a collection agency; he will give insider tips to dealing with collection agencies and the typical violations that occur throughout the process. Jay Peters is the founder and author of Credit Secrets Bible. Credit Secrets Bible, has long been regarded as the source for up to date credit information for tens of thousands of consumers worldwide. Having access to speak and mingle in an open forum with these and other awesome industry leaders is what makes sets this live credit repair training light years beyond any starter kits you that pollute the search engines. Many more speakers will be presenting on a variety of topics ranging from advance credit repair business training through marketing a credit repair business in the internet age.
Citron states "everyone attending will be empowered with the ability to achieve champagne results on a Budweiser budget with step by step instructions taught directly from the experts"
Attendance at the event will be limited to the first 150 to register- shortly after the announcement, reservations started pouring in, and a waitlist is anticipated as the continued overwhelming response indicates. So if you are thinking of starting a credit repair business or want the true answer to how to start a credit repair business this conference is a must see. Go to to register today, while seats are still available.
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[Via Legal / Law]
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