Friday, March 6, 2009

Why Does Car Rollovers Happen In California

Car rollovers on roads, streets and highways have been one of the prevailing causes of injuries, damages and even deaths in California and all other parts of the U.S. Since these incidents result to great number of damages and losses of properties and lives, they have been considered really alarming and frightening.

Even though self-discipline and obedience to traffic rules and regulations are both being exercised by the motorists, these are not still serve as guarantee that they would be safe on roads - and that they will be truly away from any unlikely occurrences and such as these type of accidents.

Indeed, road signs and warnings are not an assurance to road security and safety. However, it is still believed that these precautionary measures can somehow help lessen or eliminate the prevalence of vehicular accidents.

It is considered necessary to know the following major causes of car collisions and accidents.

• Incompetent Motorists – It has been an accepted idea that there are still many licensed drivers, who lack the proper training, discipline and attitude on road safety. More so, many of these individuals disregard traffic regulations that makes and puts the lives of the many road users, pedestrians, other motorists and even their own lives at risk.

• Intoxicated Drivers – DUI or intoxication has been regarded very dangerous. Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages or liquor increases the risks on encountering disastrous car accidents. However, the law restricts and prohibits too much intake of alcohol, liquor or other illegal substances before and during driving a car.

• Distracted Drivers – There are some motorists, who lack enough concentration and focus while driving a vehicle. As various means of distractions are present, they can get easily distracted and may divert their attention – making their driving and journey too risky.

• Sudden Change of the Weather – Unpredictable weather from sunshine to heavy rains can really be a factor. Several studies show that there are many car accidents, which occur during bad weather conditions. This is where the road surfaces are more slippery and may affect clear visibility.

• Poor road signs and warnings – The government has the obligation and responsibility to assure that the roads and thoroughfares are properly designed for public use.

Thus, there are some instances that this obligation is given less priority and taken for granted. If a concerned agency sets up various road safety warnings and equipment, it certainly has to be their best and it must never be the cause of any catastrophes.

• Defective Vehicles – Car owners should practice an overall check up on their vehicles’ mechanical and technical aspects; therefore, making it as their habit. These precautionary acts not only lessen the chances of road disasters but also eradicate such instances.

Furthermore, as this cliché goes – prevention is better than cure, people should always have to assure themselves that they are definitely away from accidents. Nevertheless, there are circumstances, which are truly inevitable and unexpected to happen.

Thus, if such occurs, the victim/s must make the concerned individual/s liable or responsible for his/their negligence. There are California car rollover lawyers who are more than willing to impart their legal assistance and support to these aggrieved and injured parties.

About the Author

A car rollover lawyer California has the expertise and authority concerning cases involving car rollover incidents in California. Visit

See Also:

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