Sunday, March 8, 2009

Seeking Justice On Medical Malpractice

Wrong prescriptions, incorrect diagnosis or hospital negligence, these are few of what is known as medical malpractice. Medical malpractice is an omission of the best available medical treatment by a health care practitioner to a patient.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of medical malpractice within Los Angeles and in any part of the U.S., you can take advantage of hiring medical malpractice claims lawyer whose experience in the field is vast.

On one hand, a patient whose treatment becomes unsuccessful is not necessarily entitled to a claim. This is because health care providers are not guarantors of cure. Hence, whether the alleged malpractice is ripe for suit or not, greatly depends on the sound analysis of a medical malpractice lawyer.

These are some reasons why you should hire a lawyer:

• Every malpractice calls for a different strategy

• Hospitals want low settlement. They will take advantage of you unrepresented.

• Determine complicated liens, if any, attached to your medical claims.

Should you want to pursue your case, these are the guidelines of finding one:

• Hire a lawyer not because of his/her promise of giving you the highest amount. Good lawyers rarely give an amount unless they properly made investigations.

• Ask your family or relatives for their advices in choosing the right lawyer

• Check the yellow pages or the internet pages for your prospective lawyer. Said pages provide for pertinent information regarding a specific lawyer and his/her background

• Make a background check

• He/she must act pursuant to your best interest

• He/she must not encourage you to lie or fabricate or conceal evidence

• He/she must be honest of the strengths and weaknesses of your case.

• He/She must be careful in dealing with your case.

Should you decide not to pursue a case, you must be ready with valuable information when dealing with the insurance company alone. Thus, a need for a medical malpractice lawyer still arises to educate you on your legal rights before it’s too late. Remember, insurance companies prefer low settlements.

You may, “I don’t need a lawyer. I can represent myself alone.” Well, you should not! Always remember that the doctor or hospital being complained of may also have a team of lawyers to defend them. These lawyers will surely throw procedural technicalities unfamiliar to you. You will surely lose the case not on its merit by mere procedure.

No matter how meticulous you are of your medical provider, chances are you will surely be an unwilling victim of medical malpractice. Statistics show that approximately 5% of all U.S. doctors are responsible for negligent claims.

Moreover, hospitals continue to hire inexperienced doctors while some hospitals overworked their doctors. About 2,000 doctors lose their license every year while 90,000 patients die each year due to negligence. Roughly, $17 billion to $29 billion are the total payouts for malpractice claims in the country.

With these alarming data, you need all resources you have and an experienced Los Angeles medical malpractice claims lawyer who is committed to win your lawsuit.

About the Author

Our medical malpractice claims lawyers proficiently handle our clients’ lawsuits. Visit our professional Los Angeles lawyers’ website at and experience the best services from legal staff.

See Also:

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