What is the Prepaid Legal Service, and why is this company so popular today? Prepaid legal is well known for the business opportunity and the many people that are making serious money selling the services.
However, many arent aware what they actually do. Here is a quick review of this to help you better understand the company, and if you want to get involved selling the services yourself.
Prepaid Legal sells legal insurance, so instead of risking those huge legal fees that occasionally come up even more for simple tasks, you just pay a small monthly fee and you dont have to worry about it. At least, thats what the company claims.
Instead of going without legal help in an emergency, as many people do, going with Prepaid Legal enables you to get a top lawyer for less than one dollar a day in some instances, which certainly sounds like a very reasonable price (although I will explain shortly why you probably wont save any money with this).
One thing to keep in mind is that, even if you dont have to use the lawyers service for a given month, you still have to pay the fee. The lawyers are available to help you with all different kinds of topics, including minor things such as speeding tickets.
Just about any legal help you need, you can get with the assistance of Prepaid Legal Services Inc. All you have to do, whenever you have a legal question, is ring them up and ask them whatever you need, and they will tell you what needs to be done. Assuming you are paying the monthly fee, you have access to them.
Your amount of phone calls is limited by the amount you are paying, and some plans enable you to have more than others. Also, the more you pay, the more expensive legal fees that are covered.
The basic Prepaid Legal Service only cover the absolute bare bones legal problems, whereas a higher monthly cost will enable you to have access to lawyers for pretty much anything.
However, while legal insurance sounds awesome and like you will save a lot of money with it, dont be fooled. The reality is, while in some instances it can save you money over the short term, if you have a high priced legal issue, for example, by far more often than not you will lose out long term. Most people simply dont use lawyers enough to make legal insurance worth it, despite what the companies claim.
Sure, spending thousands of dollars for one legal fee is no fun at all, which you sometimes have to do for larger problems without insurance. However, over the course of the time you have a prepaid legal service, you will likely spend more than that, as those monthly fees can really add up.
Even the more basic plans are not usually worth it for most people, and the only way they would be is if you plan on having a lot of legal expenses for the near future.
Therefore, dont believe just anything you hear about them, because remember, in case you arent aware of it, the company has a wide range of distributors selling their legal fees. Oftentimes the person describing them will be a distributor themselves, so they obviously have a vested interest in whether you buy or not.
In my opinion, legal insurance is one of those things that you probably wont need in all likelihood, right up there with pet insurance. I would recommend you stay away from the Prepaid Legal Service unless you really plan on using your lawyer a lot in the coming months or years.
About the Author
Tired of exhorbitant legal fees? Want more info on Prepaid Legal Services? Check out http://www.internethomebusinessadvice.com, and get the truth about this insurance now.See Also:
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