Thursday, March 5, 2009

Patent Office Grants GEOSPAN's Request for Reexamination of Pictometry's Patent

GEOSPAN's request for reexamination of Pictometry's U.S. Patent Number 7,424,133, entitled "Method and Apparatus for Capturing, Geolocating and Measuring Oblique Images," was granted by the U.S. Patent Office

Method and Apparatus for Capturing, Geolocating and Measuring Oblique Images

Minneapolis, MN (PRWEB) March 5, 2009 -- GEOSPAN Corporation announced today that the U.S Patent Office has granted Geospan's request for reexamination of Pictometry's U.S. Patent Number 7,424,133, entitled "Method and Apparatus for Capturing, Geolocating and Measuring Oblique Images."

Geospan's GeoVista 3D Spatial Imaging Technology
Geospan's GeoVista 3D Spatial Imaging Technology

In its request to the Patent Office, GEOSPAN submitted prior art that was not considered by the Patent Office when it examined the application that led to Pictometry's patent. The Patent Office agreed that the prior art submitted by GEOSPAN warranted reexamination of several claims in the patent, and it subsequently issued a Non-Final Office Action rejecting those claims as unpatentable.

GEOSPAN's patent infringement lawsuit against Pictometry International Corporation of Rochester, NY remains ongoing and is still on track for an early 2010 trial date (Civ. No. 08-816 ADM/JSM). The lawsuit, filed in March 2008 in the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota, alleges that Pictometry has infringed and is continuing to infringe GEOSPAN's U.S. Patent No. 5,633,946, which issued in 1997 and is entitled, "Method and Apparatus for Collecting and Processing Visual and Spatial Position Information from a Moving Platform."

For further information please visit or call Ted Lachinski at 1-800-GEOSPAN.

GEOSPAN® is the provider of spatially accurate GEOVISTA® Multi-Angle Imagery™ and GEOVISTA® 3D Spatial Imagery™ products. GEOSPAN's patented technology offers fully integrated high-resolution 360ยบ oblique aerial and street-level GEOVISTA® imagery. GEOVISTA® panoramic imagery solutions support a variety of state and local government GIS applications including E9-1-1, emergency management, homeland security, law enforcement, planning, property assessing, infrastructure inventory, pavement analysis, and transportation. GEOVISTA® solutions also serve a variety of private sector markets including real estate buying and selling, visual mapping, insurance, mortgage lending and micro marketing.

Ted Lachinski, President
GEOSPAN Corporation

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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