Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fred Abrams to Explore Madoff Scandal and Other Famous Frauds in Presentation to New York County Lawyers' Association on March 30

Practicing in the area of asset search & financial fraud cases, Attorney Abrams to lift veil of secrecy surrounding asset concealment and to discuss legal remedies, including when investor money disappears offshore

Show Me the Money: Hidden Assets, Madoff Securities and Other Famous Frauds

New York (Lexis Nexis/PRWEB ) March 4, 2009 -- Fred L. Abrams, a New York attorney practicing in the field of asset searches and fraud investigations, will be the featured speaker at an upcoming program of the New York County Lawyers' Association.

The presentation, "Show Me the Money: Hidden Assets, Madoff Securities and Other Famous Frauds," will take place on March 30, 2009, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., at 14 Vesey Street in New York. For more details or to register, please visit the New York County Lawyers' Association online registration page.

Abrams' program will explore some of the red flags of asset concealment and explain how criminal proceeds or other kinds of assets may be hidden "under the radar" through the use of multiple jurisdictions and bank accounts. He will also describe how private litigants may use discovery and forced collection proceedings even in tax havens like Switzerland, to possibly recover assets concealed during a financial fraud.

"Large-scale investment or other frauds often involve multiple jurisdictions to carry out trades or otherwise make financial transfers. In such cases, agents with legal power over foreign bank accounts can also be involved," said Abrams. "This makes it possible to transfer or launder enormous sums of money and perhaps do it all without detection."

Abrams is a lecturer and practitioner in the area of asset concealment and financial fraud investigations. He was recently quoted in the New York Times for his observations on the Bernard Madoff case and was featured in a recent Fox Business News television report for his commentary on the Madoff case as well.

For more information about Fred Abrams, Attorney at Law, please call 212.766.7275 or visit Abrams' blog at

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See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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