Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Soto Nation Releases First Silver Barter Medallion

A first nation's tribe in Canada, the Soto Nation, announces the initiation of their privately issued currency and first official barter trading medallion. An official statement was issued by Grand Hereditary Chief Kitchi-Ostew-Kaneekanagoshick-Okimow-Wacon-Kaneekaneet:

(PRWEB) April 21, 2010 -- A first nation's tribe in Canada, the Soto Nation, announces the initiation of their privately issued currency and first official barter trading medallion. An official statement was issued by Grand Hereditary Chief Kitchi-Ostew-Kaneekanagoshick-Okimow-Wacon-Kaneekaneet:

“I am proud to announce the release of our first voluntary trading medallion, the Soto Peeashe. This Troy ounce fine silver round was created in partnership with the American open Currency Standard, our ally in this historical venture.

“We, the peoples of the Soto Nation, will proudly utilize this barter piece featuring Peeashe, our brother the Thunderbird, and the Great Turtle Island. For the thousands of merchants across the Great Turtle Island that already actively trade with medallions of honest value, we join in your struggles in these difficult times and take this step to assure our own economic survival and contribute to that of our friends and allies. All those who desire free and open trade are welcome to engage the Anishinabe Federation of Sovereign Nations or those united with and we will offer you value for your value.

“Our people have endured the most difficult of trials through our time here on the Great Turtle Island. It is the time, it is the will of the Creator, that this be done for the road in front of us and to make it better for those that come after. The Lakota Nation has also issued an independent currency for the future of their nation's children and the betterment of all. Join us in our mission to make it better for all those that come after, our children and grandchildren.

“It is by the will and authority of the Creator that I have been instructed to make this edict concerning the Soto medallion. As always, I am an original traditional trustee appointed by the Creator for those that come after and, as always, it is by the will of the Creator that I am:

Seventh Generation International Traditional Inherent Head Spiritual Chief and Plenipotentiary and Supreme Justice for the Anishinabe Federation of Sovereign Nations of the Great Turtle Island”

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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