Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pierre F. Freeman Challenges AMORC Imperator IN Open Letter. Author Asks Christian Bernard to Explain Troubling Rosicrucian Practices

Author Pierre S. Freeman, whose books chronicle his 24-year old journey through the initiatic teachings of the Ancient and Mystic Order of Rosae Crucis, (AMORC) announces his posting of An Open Letter to Christian Bernard, the current Imperator of the fraternal organization. In this letter, Freeman asks why AMORC’S spiritual exercises seem to resemble more of a Mind Control program -- in the opinion of Freeman -- than those of a legitimate spiritual organization? The letter was inspired by his own questions and those who have read his books, The Prisoner of San Jose and AMORC Unmasked and participants in his blog, the PrisonerOfAmorc. It should be an eye-opener to members who have just begun AMORC but do not know what lies before them; members who have gone to higher levels, and to those who have been intrigued by AMORC, but would like to know more before they take a leap.

“In An Open Letter to Christian Bernard” ,” says Freeman, “I ask if the telepathy (reading people’s minds, telekinesis (moving objects at will), reading the vibrations of objects at distance (radiaesthesia), even the ability to create actual physical obj

(PRWeb UK/PRWEB ) January 5, 2010 -- Troubled by his 24-year ordeal with the Ancient and Mystic Order of Rosae Crucis (AMORC), author Pierre S. Freeman has posted an Open Letter to Christian Bernard, leader of the century-old Rosicrucian fraternal organization. It asks fundamental questions about the reality, soundness and legality of AMORC’S claims and activities.

AMORC Unmasked
AMORC Unmasked
“Many of the readers of my blog and my books, The Prisoner of San Jose and AMORC Unmasked are very surprised to realize how closely the so-called spiritual techniques of AMORC seem to resemble those used by Mind Control practitioners. They, like me, not only have wondered why these methods do not seem to work for members but also why they have perpetuated in the first place? So if Bernard wants to send out weekly lessons to his members telling them how to heal people without any kind of medical or health credentials; how to use a crystal ball, how to take over political leader’s consciousness to manipulate the actions for the sake of world peace- I would like to know, first of all, why these things don’t work? Second of all, even if these practices did work, how they conform to anything like legitimate moral behavior respecting other people’s privacy or human rights? My third question is- why is Bernard sending out lessons like these in the first place- ones that put the acquisition of occult powers over the fundamental path taken by the true mystic in all religious and spiritual traditions- surrender to the will of God? My letters asks him to defend his actions.”

Pierre S. Freeman claims to be a firm believer in the alleged principles of the Order, meaning the principles of self-discipline and moral conduct leading to the possibility of profound mystical experience and the resulting good flowing from that experience. He claims to object, however, to specific practices inherent in the teaching, which he believes are psychologically destructive, questioning their reality in the first place. “In An Open Letter to Christian Bernard” ,” says Freeman, “I ask if the telepathy (reading people’s minds, telekinesis (moving objects at will), reading the vibrations of objects at distance (radiaesthesia), even the ability to create actual physical objects through the power of visualization- are real or the product of hypnotically-induced Mind Control?” Can, members actually become invisible at will or really learn to manipulate other people’s consciousness- or are they being trained to fantasize and hallucinate?

For more information visit Pierre Freeman’s website.

Visit Freeman blogs on Mind Control, AMORC, avoiding dangerous cults, ways to escape from Mind Control cults and regain your inner freedom.

Both The Prisoner of San Jose and AMORC Unmasked are published by Arizona-based company, Wheatmark, Inc. Pierre S. Freeman is available for print interviews only.

AMORC Unmasked is available at every fine bookstore.

Interested parties may contact Pierre Freeman by e-mail through the secure link located in the contact information box next to the release or call Pierre Freeman at 651-206-5345.

See the original story at: http://uk.prweb.com/releases/2010/01/prweb3409334.htm

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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