Thursday, December 17, 2009

Self-defense and Firearms Instructor Robb Hamic Sets a Goal to Train 1000 New Students in 2010

The US Department of Justice released its crime reporting statistics and violent crime is on the rise for some people. Self-defense and firearms instructor Robb Hamic has set a goal to train 1000 new students throughout the United States to defend themselves in 2010.

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My goal is to transfer my knowledge to my students- not to look good. I teach people how to survive violent, stressful attacks. It is that simple.

Austin, TX (PRWEB) December 18, 2009 -- “Citizens use firearms to confront deadly attacks over 2 million times per year based on current research. One in three women will be violently attacked or sexually assaulted in her lifetime,” says Robb Hamic, Chief Instructor of Summit Self Defense. Criminals in use guns over 40% of violent attacks in the United States. The nightly news gives all of us pause to see how out society has become increasingly violent. The US Department of Justice states that 47% of crimes are unreported and 57% of women know their attacker.

Safe or unsafe? What would you do?
Safe or unsafe? What would you do?
Summit Self Defense (SSD) recognizes this trend of violence and has set a goal to provide self defense training to 1000 new students across the United States in 2010. Summit provides state certified concealed handgun licensing courses and combines the basic class with a method of gun deployment. "Don't bet your life on a license. Get the training you need and a concealed handgun license at the same time so you can defend yourself and your family in a violent, stressful encounter," says Robb Hamic.

Summit teaches a full spectrum of effective self defense for women and men, law enforcement and military. Summit focuses on real world scenarios and efficient self-defense tactics that can be employed by anyone for defense. “We stress conflict avoidance by detection, and deterrence but if necessary we teach all people to defend themselves,” says Hamic. Summit teaches their own evolution of training that is based heavily on Personal Defense Readiness, Israeli combatitives, ground survival, gun and untraditional weapon deployment. Summit teaches a diversity of students of all ages and it has affiliate instructors in Albuquerque, Austin, Houston and San Francisco who deliver training. Robb Hamic travels nationwide to deliver corporate seminars, women’s self defense classes and law enforcement training.

Mr. Hamic decided to set a goal of reaching 1000 new students to combat the rise in violence across the United States. Several of his students have used their knowledge of self-defense to defend against violent attacks in 2009. Summit Self Defense completes many hours of community service by delivering free training to at-risk groups and victims of crime.

Individual training is most commonly delivered in small classes or privately while law enforcement or military courses are larger in size. Seminars vary in size from 20-80 students. All scheduling is done by reservation with Mr. Hamic.

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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