Tuesday, October 6, 2009

17 Million to Enter DV-2011 Green Card Lottery

The sixth edition of "Win the Green Card Lottery! the Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide now available from the United States Association of Immigrants guides diversity visa applicants during their registration and provides critical tips useful during the visa application process.

Albuquerque, NM (PRWEB) October 6, 2009 -- The United States Association of Immigrants at myUSAi.org today announce that the U.S. State Department released instructions for the 2009 green card (diversity visa) lottery which opened October 2nd. This program provides up to 55,000 visas each year to persons from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. In place since 1994, the diversity visa lottery awards visas to applicants via a random computer-generated drawing.

Win the Green Card Lottery!
Win the Green Card Lottery!

Eligibility is based on personal eligibility requirements covering educational level or work experience, and country of birth. According to J. Stephen Wilson, President of the United States Association of Immigrants, "We originally estimated 20 million will register this year, however the world economy will likely reduce this figure to 17 million". The numbers could be higher or lower depending on other factors, especially access to computer technology in visa eligible third world countries like Nigeria, Bangladesh, and Egypt. The total number includes the spouses and children of the primary applicant.

The official instructions, secondary references, and related web sites include additional requirements that govern photographs, allowed occupations, family eligibility rules and other recommendations that can affect your entry. The sixth edition of Win the Green Card Lottery! helps lottery entrants successfully navigate the maze of official and unofficial rules, regulations, and rumors, not only for entering the lottery but what do to if you win. Since 50% of lottery winners fail to obtain their visa, and millions more are unknowingly disqualified for incorrect entries, there is a clear need for a book that brings together and explains all the latest information.

The 2009 edition provides the most comprehensive, current, and easy-to-read explanation of the diversity visa lottery available. Written for DV lottery entrants, foreign students, NAFSA members, HR representatives, paralegals, and others who work with U.S. visa holders, this latest edition includes updated screenshots of the registration process, more detailed explanations of family eligibility, an entire chapter for lottery winners, and more.
Author Marybeth Rael wrote Win the Green Card Lottery! based on her experience with a lottery service she established. Co-author J. Stephen Wilson is a writer for the Albuquerque Immigration Examiner and editor Michael C. Cruse is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

Since many entrants prefer or need to use a paid lottery service to assist them with their registration, the section "Using a Lottery Service" was updated to include listings of top-rated visa lottery service providers and which to avoid.

Holger Zimmerman, owner of The American Dream at Green-card.com, one of the world's leading lottery services, explains, 'While the green card lottery is especially popular in less developed countries, interest is rising in Europe as well. In Germany for example, 2188 people actually won the green card - the highest number recorded during the last decade.'

About The United States Association of Immigrants

Creative Networks at myUSAi.org is the publisher of Win the Green Card Lottery! the COMPLETE Do-It-Yourself Guide to the USA Diversity Visa Lottery, DV-2009--DV-2011 by Marybeth Rael and J. Stephen Wilson. PDF ISBN-13: 9780981693835 ($12.50); Paperback ISBN-13: 9780981693828 ($19.50). It includes a full index, illustrations, and glossary of immigration terms, 184 pages. The booklet is now available in PDF format at myUSAi.org and in paperback from Amazon.com USA, Amazon.com UK, and elsewhere.

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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