Thursday, June 11, 2009

Recession Rules: Serious Tips for Business Survival Through Successful Selling

As this recession drags on, businesses need to get serious about successfully selling their products and services to survive, and even thrive, according to Lenann McGookey Gardner, author of Got Sales? The Complete Guide to Today's Proven Methods for Selling Services. An international sales and marketing consultant, Gardner recommends these four action steps to make more money during these tough economic times.

Albuquerque, NM (Vocus/PRWEB ) June 11, 2009 -- As this recession drags on, businesses need to get serious about successfully selling their products and services to survive, and even thrive, according to Lenann McGookey Gardner, author of Got Sales? The Complete Guide to Today's Proven Methods for Selling Services.

Got Sales? by Lenann McGookey Gardner
Got Sales? by Lenann McGookey Gardner

It's not 'business as usual' time
An international sales and marketing consultant, Gardner recommends these four action steps to make more money during these tough economic times.

Take the recession seriously.

"It's not 'business as usual' time," says Gardner. "If your customers have been in industries that have been particularly hard-hit, what other industries might you serve now? And what's your plan for going after them?" Identify businesses that have thrived during the downturn – such as alternative energy, psychological counseling, and many aspects of healthcare including "natural" cures – and begin making contacts there.

Take business seriously.

"People aren't likely to be calling you in the kinds of numbers it will take for you to achieve your financial goals. So sitting around waiting for the phone to ring -- or busying yourself with activities that, while not unimportant, don't produce new revenue -- is a bad approach to bad times," explains Gardner. "Look at each activity you undertake from the perspective of whether it moves you toward your goals – and take on more activities that do so!"

Take selling seriously.

Gardner says, "There's a body of knowledge available, now, about what's working in selling. You don't have to rely on old wives' tales about selling, or selling 'rules' that you picked up in the movies, or some training class long ago! I am astounded at the number of people who say, sometimes almost with pride, 'I've never had any sales training.' Why not? Sales are essential for ANY business to succeed -- learn how to do it right! We now have data about such things as the best questions to ask when you’re selling and how to create trust where none now exists. You need to know this stuff!"

Take your time seriously.

"See your time almost as you see your wallet," suggests Gardner. "Sure, occasionally you open your wallet, pull out your money and spend it, but before you do, you probably think about the investment you’re about to make and decide whether or not you want to spend for this specific purpose. It's the same with your time. Hold it back. Only invest it where it gives you the best return."

Lenann McGookey Gardner, a Harvard MBA and a past #1 worldwide sales rep at Xerox, offers keynote speeches on state-of-the-art selling and closing skills, executive and sales coaching for business success, and workshops. Her book Got Sales? The Complete Guide to Today's Proven Methods for Selling Services is the one guidebook highlighting all the recent research and data on what's working now in contemporary selling. More information is available at

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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