Friday, April 17, 2009

Breaking News: Condition Nutrition Releases Survey On Doping and Extreme Sports

Condition Nutrition will be releasing a survey on doping in extreme sports on April 20, 2009. Sources show widespread doping in extreme sports, particularly amongst Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) athletes. Unlike other sports, Mixed Martial Arts is not regulated by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Doping in extreme sports is a highly debatable topic that is rarely addressed.

Tampa, FL (Vocus/PRWEB ) April 17, 2009 -- Condition Nutrition would like to announce that we will be posting a survey on April 20, 2009, so individuals can weigh in and post their opinion on doping in Extreme Sports. This survey is one of many that Condition Nutrition will be releasing in the near future to engage their consumers and the fitness community in active debate. Numerous Condition Nutrition customers are active Extreme Sports athletes and doping along with pro-hormone use are two of the most common comments. Joseph A. Sochet, President of Condition Nutrition explains, "we want to be more than just an ecommerce site, we want to be a forum for ideas and opinions in the fitness community." "Once we gather the results of these informal surveys we can then reveal them to the public and promote further discussion." Condition Nutrition expects to post the survey for a week and report their findings within a week of gathering the results.

WADA World Anti-Doping Agency Official Logo
WADA World Anti-Doping Agency Official Logo

According to, 91.7% of their MMA respondents admitted to doping and using other performance enhancing drugs. 79.3% of these MMA athletes specifically have used steroids to increase muscle mass and size. These respondents represented approximately 66% of the surveyed population which in total numbered 312 individuals. Other extreme sports athletes included skateboarders, BMX athletes and even extreme skiing. These other athletes were less likely to use steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. Skateboarders represented 16% of the respondents and 18.4% of skateboarders admitted to performance drug us.

Professional athletes taking performance enhancing drugs, or "doping," is a story that has become almost cliche in our society. From baseball players to cyclists it seems that almost every sport has athletes that ultimately get exposed for doping. While these cases are far from rare, most sports abide by the international code set forth by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). This code dictates clear regulations regarding the use of any performance enhancing drug in worldwide professional sports. Condition Nutrition has consulted several extreme athletes and we were surprised to learn how pervasive performance enhancing drugs are in extreme sports. According to numerous sources, such as the one cited above, extreme sports, such as Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), not only defy the WADA code, but operate independently from it. When 91.7% of surveyed MMA athletes admit to use of performance enhancing drugs one has to wonder how this level of use is tolerated.

we want to be more than just an ecommerce site, we want to be a forum for ideas and opinions in the fitness community.
Doping in Extreme sports is a controversial issue that is rarely discussed or debated in relation to other worldwide sports. Outside of health and safety, equality and fairness are the issues that seem to get the most attention. While there are some extreme athletes who avoid performance drugs, it becomes increasingly more difficult when your competition has a competitive advantage. One active MMA athlete explained that "in order to compete and win, doping is becomes a must." "They should either make it legal in extreme sports or seriously regulate it." states that of the 312 respondents 162 people added comments suggesting that performance enhancing drugs should be legalized. It is this sentiment that leads many to argue that it should be legalized in particular sports, especially if they are not enforced by WADA as it is.

If enforcing the WADA code becomes more of a problem than a solution, is it even worth enforcing? Some argue that an individual who is willing to participate in extreme sports is inherently risking their health and safety. This is a decision made by an athlete before they decide whether they are willing to compete professionally in any extreme sport. On the other hand, just because these sports can be dangerous doesnt necessarily justify the need for performance enhancing drugs. Instead, many athletes opt to use various sports nutrition products that provide real benefits without the risk involved in drugs. Supplements can help athletes achieve their goals whether it is increased muscle mass, energy or general health. Mr. Sochet believes that "the popularity of Extreme Sports today makes this survey and debate even more popular." This survey is part of Condition Nutrition's overall strategy to increase their media presence and "become a major source of information for the fitness community."

Check out Condition Nutrition and make your voice heard. The information gathered from the informal survey accessible on April 20 and the results will be released in a future news publication. To participate visit Condition Nutrition online at

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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