Americas Watchdog, and its Homeowners Consumer Center has been asking, and now it is demanding to know when the Obama Administration, and the US EPA intend to get involved in the toxic Chinese drywall disaster, affecting 100,000's of homeowners in Florida and numerous other states. According to the group, "Imported toxic Chinese drywall is corroding copper, other metals, and it is making people really sick and a federal response is long overdue. This is an epic national environmental disaster, affecting US homeowners, their families, their children, and the US government and Obama administration is nowhere to be found." For more information please call the Homeowners Consumer Center at 866-714-6466, or contact the group via their web site at
(PRWEB) April 20, 2009 -- Americas Watchdog and its Homeowners Consumer Center have been leading in a national, and a state-by-state investigation of toxic Chinese drywall. According to the group, "exposure to the toxic Chinese drywall is making people really sick, it is corroding copper and other metals, and we need to know why. The lack of an actual federal response is a insult to the 100,000's of US homeowners, whose homes may contain this toxic Chinese building product." The group says, "in Florida alone, we think there are at least 150,000 new, or remodeled homes alone, and the US Consumer Products Safety Commission has yet to recall this product? The federal response to this national disaster has thus far been a joke." The Homeowners Consumer Center has also discovered significant quantities of imported Chinese drywall in Virginia, Maryland, Colorado, California, Nevada, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Connecticut, Alabama, and other states. For more information contact the Homeowners Consumer Center at 866-714-6466, or contact the state via their web site at
"We need a federal disaster relief bill to help the innocent homeowners now, before the toxic Chinese drywall kills them."
Facts about Toxic Chinese drywall:
- It was first introduced to the US in 2001. At its peak the toxic Chinese drywall was used in new or remodeled homes in the US between 2003 and 2007.(But it is still being imported to the US)
- Houses with toxic Chinese drywall may, or may not have a sulphur, or rotten egg smell. The actual symptoms of toxic Chinese drywall are upper respiratory issues, nose bleeds, severe headaches, rashes, combined with air conditioning unit failures, copper, or silver corrosion, and/or corrosion of other metals. Light bulb failures or electric device failures may also be related to exposure to toxic Chinese drywall.
- Is this toxic Chinese drywall problem just limited to Florida? No. The number of homes with toxic Chinese drywall has been grossly understated, there are at least 150,000 new or remodeled homes in Florida. Other states with significant quantities of toxic Chinese drywall include, Louisiana, Texas, Nevada, Virginia, Connecticut, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, California, and Colorado.
Note the biggest tragedy in all of this is that literally thousands of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, and Texas, that have been restored because of hurricane damage will have to be rebuilt again, because the contractors doing the storm damage repairs used toxic Chinese drywall. This is why Americas Watchdog is calling on President Obama, and the US Congress to enact emergency funding to help these homeowners rebuild their homes, so they are safe to live in. This is another reason why the US EPA is so desperately needed, in what is about to become the absolute worst environmental disaster for homeowners in US history.
- What about the class actions or lawsuits? According to Americas Watchdog, "the homebuilders, contractors, developers, building material supply houses, the importers, their insurers, and everyone else involved should be sued for every nickel they have. Houses with toxic Chinese drywall are now worthless, and the homeowners and their families may now have extreme long term health problems, due to exposure to toxic Chinese drywall." However, Americas Watchdog is saying, "these class actions, or law suits may take years. In the meantime these innocent homeowners, and their families are living in toxic houses, with no meaningful help from the US federal government. We need testing protocols, we need medical research, on the affects of exposure to toxic Chinese drywall, and we need emergency federal funding to get these homes safe again--now. The toxic Chinese drywall is no different than a natural disaster. This is Hurricane Katrina on steroids, and the White House and Congress have yet to do anything."
Note: Americas Watchdog is now calling on the Governors of Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, and Texas to put a moratorium on all home sales in their states, until the homes can be certified as free of toxic Chinese drywall. "Banks are selling toxic houses in Florida, with no disclosure, that the home may be poisonous, because of toxic Chinese drywall. This must end right now. Further the US Products Safety Commission must put a recall on all toxic Chinese drywall, and put a stop on the importation of toxic Chinese drywall now."
If you are a homeowner in Florida, Texas, Louisiana, California, Colorado, Virginia, or any other state, and you suspect you might have the toxic Chinese drywall in your new, or remodeled home, please feel free to call the Homeowners Consumer Center anytime at 866-714-6466, or contact them via their web site at
Americas Watchdog and its Homeowners Consumer Center are all about homeowner protection and corporate responsibility.
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[Via Legal / Law]
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