Sunday, March 22, 2009

Program to Hire Students as Law Clerks Implemented at Pasadena Family Law Firm

Patrick Baghdaserians, an associate attorney with the Law Offices of Donald P. Schweitzer, a Pasadena based divorce and family law firm, is implementing a recruiting program to create jobs for law students.

Pasadena, CA (PRWEB) March 22, 2009 -- Pasadena divorce and family law attorney, Patrick Baghdaserians, is executing a recruiting program to hire current law school students as Law Clerks. The program is being created with the hopes of finding students who are genuinely interested in family law and to further their education, leading them to a career as a family law attorney.

Mr. Baghdaserians stated, "While I was at law school, I took advantage of all opportunities by the career services offices, which included externships and paid positions in both the private and public sector. All law school students from ABA accredited law schools will be considered."

The law clerk program at the Law Offices of Donald P. Schweitzer is a way for students to learn and experience family law first hand. Properly trained law students can be a vital asset to any law firm. Essentially, these programs are beneficial to both the firms and to the students that participate.

"A law clerk recruiting program benefits all parties involved. Not only does it provide jobs to students, but it also helps better serve clients by offering additional resources for their matters," said Baghdaserians.

The Law Offices of Donald P. Schweitzer recruiting program is currently interviewing candidates for a law clerk position. More information can be attained by contacting Patrick Baghdaserians.

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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