Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Karate Legend Vic LeRoux Visits Karate Quest

Vic LeRoux will be at Karate Quest in Ferndale, WA, to conduct a seminar for Civilians and Law Enforcement.

Ferndale, WA (PRWEB) March 25, 2009 -- Karate Quest will be the home to a special martial arts seminar for civilians and law enforcement. The Seminar will feature Grand Master Vic LeRoux, Doug Meeks, Lance Meltzer, Mick Jolly and Pat Armijo.

Vic LeRoux -Living Legend in Martial Arts
Vic LeRoux -Living Legend in Martial Arts

Vic LeRoux has 43 years of history in the art of Chinese Kenpo Karate alone. Additionally he has studied Judo, Jeet Kune Do and Kali with Danny Innosanto and others. Through Mr. LeRoux's passion for the Martial Arts he has validated all of the techniques and principles that are taught in Chinese Kenpo Karate today. Mr. Leroux is the Co-Founder of the International Karate Connection Association (IKCA) together Senior Grand Master Mr. Chuck Sullivan, Mr. Edmond K. Parkers 4th Black Belt in the United States. Mr. LeRoux has studied directly from Mr. Sullivan and was a private student of Mr. Parker. In short he is living history of how the Martial Arts have evolved in the United States.

Mr. LeRoux will start off the seminar covering the basics of Self-Defense and progress to Blending, Borrowing, Combining and Take-Downs. This training is sure to elevate the skills and effectiveness of all who attend regardless of skill level.

Assisting in the Seminar will be Doug Meeks, 8th Degree Black Belt, and Lance Meltzer, 5th Degree Black Belt, both of Napa Valley Martial Arts. They offer advanced knowledge in Chinese Kenpo Karate, Jeet Kune Do as well as back grounds in the Isreali Fighting Methods of Hagganah and Krav Maga.

Mr. Pat Armijo, 6th Degree Black Belt in Modern Arnis, will teach Stick and Knife Defense and Tactics. Mr. Armijo also brings a strong Kenpo background amongst other arts. He is a direct student of Remy Presas and serves as Mr. Presas' Washington State Director for Modern Arnis and a U.S. Board of Directors Member for the World Escrima Kali Arnis Federation (WEKAF), which is the governing body for the contact sport side of the Filipino Martial Arts. Mr. Armijo is a frequent presenter at Martial Arts Seminars both Nationally and Internationally.

Mick Jolly, 3rd Degree Black Belt in Chinese Kenpo Karate and former Law Enforcement Officer, will teach a special segment on Firearms. This training will focus on how to retain a firearm and avoiding the disarming tactics of the criminal world. Mick Jolly has served as a Sheriff's Deputy, Detective, Civil Deputy and ultimately as a Special Agent for the U.S. Secret Service. Mick has served in special capacities regarding Defensive/Control Tactics as well as a Physical Training Coordinator. This training segment is essential for anyone who has considered carrying or currently carries a firearm.

This will be a seminar that the serious martial artist will not want to miss regardless of style, system or skill level. This event will elevate your training to a level with segments covering empty hand and weapons defenses at the highest level. All are welcome to attend this great event.

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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