Thursday, March 26, 2009

GDFII/L&P Confirms Target Date Extension Of U.S. ITC Sucralose Ruling

Leading Sucralose manufacturer Guangdong Food Industry Institute/L&P Food Ingredient Co. Ltd. (GDFII/L&P) today announced that the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) in Washington D.C. has extended the target date of its final decision in the sucralose case, from March 25 to April 3. This Section 337 patent dispute (docket# 337-TA-604) was filed against the company by its main competitor, Tate & Lyle Corporation (T&L)

GDFII/L&P was the first company to manufacture sucralose outside of the U.S.A and continues to be committed to meeting its customer needs of high capacity and superior grade sucralose in the growing sucralose market in the United States and elsewhere, and remains confident of a positive outcome once the ITC issues its final determination

Exeter, California (PRWEB) March 26, 2009 -- Leading Sucralose manufacturer Guangdong Food Industry Institute/L&P Food Ingredient Co. Ltd. (GDFII/L&P) today announced that the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) in Washington D.C. has extended the target date of its final decision in the sucralose case, from March 25 to April 3. This Section 337 patent dispute (docket# 337-TA-604) was filed against the company by its main competitor, Tate & Lyle Corporation (T&L).

Zeit  is a trademark of Ingredient Specialties, Inc. Exeter, CA, U.S.A.
Zeit is a trademark of Ingredient Specialties, Inc. Exeter, CA, U.S.A.

"GDFII/L&P was the first company to manufacture sucralose outside of the U.S.A and continues to be committed to meeting its customer needs of high capacity and superior grade sucralose in the growing sucralose market in the United States and elsewhere, and remains confident of a positive outcome once the ITC issues its final determination," notes Mr. Sanyong Wang, a corporate officer of GDFII/L&P.

Mr. Bassam Faress, spokesperson of GDFII/L&P and Director of Sales/Marketing at Ingredients Specialties, Inc., a global alliance partner of GDFII/L&P, adds "we continue to look forward to this anticipated positive final ruling as we move ahead with our strategic marketing and expansion plans for Sucralose."

The U.S. ITC governs investigations into allegations of unfair trade practices and had in its September 2008 initial determination issued by Administrative Law Judge Charles E. Bullock of the ITC, noted that GDFII/L&P has not violated any of the patents asserted in this Section 337 dispute. Furthermore, the Commission found one of the patents asserted by T&L to be invalid. Of the 4 patents asserted by T&L, one of the patents asserted was dropped before the hearing and following an inspection of GDFII/L&P's manufacturing facility; T&L's expert acknowledged that GDFII/L&P Food's current process, as inspected, did not infringe two of the other asserted patents; and a fourth patent expires in July 2009, only a few months after the new target date April 3rd for the ITC's final decision.

Guangdong Food Industry Institute/L&P Food Ingredient Co. Ltd. (GDFII/L&P) is a specialty ingredients manufacturer that pioneered the development and manufacturing of Sucralose at its ISO 9001:2000 and HACCP certified facility in China. In alliance with Ingredient Specialties, Inc. of Exeter, California, provides a global distribution network that markets Züeit ® brand Sucralose to the food, beverage, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries as a Kosher and Halal certified non-caloric high intensity sweetener. Züeit ® is a trademark of Ingredient Specialties, Inc. Exeter, CA, U.S.A.

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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