Monday, February 16, 2009

SSI Disability Application Tips for 2009

Too often deserving 2009 SSI Disability cases will not receive the benefits they are entitled too because of mistakes made on the disability application. The Social Security attorneys of Berry & Associates advise disabled consumers to take additional time ensuring they have properly completed their Social Security Disability application and submitted the proper supporting medical evidence. This will help ensure your 2009 SSI Disability application has the best chance of being approved at the application level and decrease the risk of having a disability application denial from the SSA (Social Security Administration). For more details about 2009 applications, visit or call 1-800-507-4774.

Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) February 16, 2009 -- Disabled applicants should pay particular attention to the 2009 SSI Disability application and take additional time to ensure their application is completely filled out and all supporting medical evidence is properly submitted, advises Matt Berry and his team of Social Security attorneys at Berry & Associates. His law firm operates the website and is renowned for helping disabled consumers with various medical impairments and disability symptoms throughout the United States win SSI Disability benefits.

Offering help with SSDI and SSI disability benefits claims.
Offering help with SSDI and SSI disability benefits claims.

Understanding the SSI Disability Application Process:
When a person applies for SSI Disability there are three stages. If at any point during these three stages it is decided you will be awarded benefits, the process stops.

1. Application - The first stage requires submitting a 2009 Social Security Disability application. This application can be submitted by mail, phone or online.

2. Request For Reconsideration - If you are denied SSI Disability benefits at the application level there are several appeal processes in place. In most states the next step to appeal a denied application is to complete a document called a "Request for Reconsideration." In many cases this request will also be denied because the people reviewing the paperwork are the same people that just rejected your application. Essentially, you're asking them to admit they were wrong.

3. Hearing with an Administrative Law Judge - If your case makes it to this step you leave the State agency level and enter the Federal level through the Social Security Administration. The SSA holds a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). This is significant because this judge is independent from the previous denied decisions. This process can be lengthy, ranging from 6 months to 2 years to get a hearing date. Prior to your hearing it is recommended you submit new or updated medical evidence about your disability impairment(s) and symptom(s).

Far too many disability claimants have to wait two years or more to receive benefits because of errors that were avoidable. Though you do not need a Social Security Disability attorney to represent your disability claim, with the experienced knowledge that a Social Security disability lawyer can offer, you stand a better chance of winning SSI Disability benefits with a disability lawyer than without one.

How to avoid being Denied SSI Disability:
Those applying for SSI Disability in 2009 know that it is getting increasingly tough to win benefits. If you are self representing, it is advised you thoroughly go through the disability application and check for errors. It is also advised you provide very detailed documentation about your condition and submit this documentation as medical evidence. Finally, make sure you monitor and update the status of your case.

"Berry & Associates has noticed an increasingly longer wait times among those applying for SSI Disability benefits," explains Matt Berry, Founder and Principal of Berry and Associates. "We are highly encouraging prospective clients of our law firm and all disability applicants to take extra time and review their application before submitting. Also, make sure you are fully documenting your medical conditions. This medical evidence often is what will make or break your case."

Medical Evidence and 2009 SSI Disability Applications:
Many SSI Disability cases are denied because they failed to demonstrate the existence of the disabling medical condition. Too often these deserving cases are denied, or take longer in the process than needed to win benefits because the applicant did not provide sufficient medical evidence.

An experienced SSI Disability lawyer can help with these cases. You'll want to make sure your lawyer has experience with representing cases that share your medical condition. Whether you are applying for bipolar disability benefits, COPD disability benefits, diabetes disability benefits, heart disease disability benefits, or schizophrenia disability benefits, among others, you'll want a lawyer that knows what type of medical evidence needs to be presented to the Social Security Administration to win SSI Disability benefits. Your lawyer will be able to help gather the type of written testimony from your doctor that can help present your disability claim in the best way possible.

Hiring a SSI Disability Lawyer:
Berry & Associates fights to help you receive the maximum disability benefits you are entitled to. Our fees are capped at 25% of your back benefits (benefits from the day you became injured), or $6,000--whichever is less. You only pay attorney fees if you are awarded benefits and we do not take a portion of your future benefits.

Contact Berry & Associates for 2009 Disability Application Questions:
Need to contact a Social Security lawyer for your 2009 SSI Disability application? Visit or call 1-800-507-4774.

About is maintained by Berry & Associates. Berry and Associates Social Security Disability Lawyers are Attorneys that can help with SSDI, SSD and SSI Disability Benefit Claims. Our Social Security Disability Attorneys can help disability claimants who have applied, been denied, or need to appeal a disability claim. Learn what we do to help consumers fight for disability benefits by calling 1-800-507-4774, or visiting

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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