In a rapidly changing technological society, has devoted seven years to apprising its readers of developing trends like the rising number of auto accidents related to text messaging behind the wheel. To alert consumers to evolving texting law and its ramifications, CarInsuranceList has added a section entitled, "Enforcement and Penalties for the New Text Messaging Laws." This material, in addition to an existing database of news, research, insurance quotes, and comprehensive insurance company reviews, makes an indispensable source for all aspects of automotive coverage.
San Jose, CA (PRWEB) February 4, 2009 -- In 2008 more than 158 billion text messages were sent in the United States with those numbers expected to increase annually. At the same time, the number of vehicular accidents associating with drivers who were texting rather than paying attention to the road were also on the rise. With new law being written to cover this activity, a category of risk especially effecting teen drivers, has added a section on "Enforcement and Penalties for the New Text Messaging Laws" to its existing car accident statistics, research articles, car insurance quotes, and insurance company reviews.
"As of January 1, 2009, seven states have made it illegal to either send or receive a text message behind the wheel," said Jon Davidson, CEO. "Granted the current fines are low. Twenty dollar for a first offense in California and $50 for repeat offenders, but this is a new area of vehicular law of which our readers need to be aware. Especially those readers who are insuring teenage drivers."
Under most statutes a driver charged with texting behind the wheel as well as another offense like running a red light will receive a higher fine. However, driving while texting will not appear on the driver's permanent record or cause an increase in insurance rates at this time. That could change, however as "DWT," or "driving while texting" laws evolve and become more sophisticated.
"Right now a DWT citation is a secondary enforcement offense," said Davidson. "That means a policeman who sees you texting can't stop you for that alone, but if he can find anything else you're not doing correctly, you're going to get hit with a double whammy of a fine. However, if accident statistics keep rising, it's possible more states are going to write DWT statutes that are more like open container laws."
Regardless of the legal status of the behavior, however, texting while driving is dangerous behavior and one that should be strongly discouraged by parents who can exercise a degree of control over their teen's ability to drive. "Just Google 'texting fatalities,'" said Davidson, "and be prepared to be sick to your stomach over the numbers of young kids dying over this. How is any text message worth that?"
Specialized sections of this nature reflect CarInsuranceList's commitment to educating readers as well as to providing them with the standard multiple quotes for which the site is known. A request for a quote matches a user with an area company prepared to meet state requirements at a good price. Additionally, readers will find articles on accident statistics and defensive driving along with "how to" information on topics like avoiding road rage.
New material is added regularly to all sections at the The editors welcome and invite your questions, comments, and ideas. Send email to:
Corporate Summary, based in San Jose, California, offers money-saving tips on purchasing car insurance policies as well as insurance industry articles on a wide range of insurance-related topics. Since its initial launch in 2002, has continued to expand its expert database of and information in an effort to educate consumers and to help them choose the best insurance options available to them.
Contact Information:
Jon Davidson, CEO and President
Santana Towers
3031 Tisch Way, 7th Floor
San Jose, CA 95128
Ph. 408-554-8990
Fax 408-554-8996
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[Via Legal / Law]
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