Friday, February 20, 2009

Appointment of Leading Indonesian Law Firm Strengthens International Multidisciplinary Association In South East Asia's Legal Market

Admission of Lubis Santosa & Maulana demonstrates MSI Global Alliance's growing stature in S.E. Asia.

Singapore (PRWEB) February 20, 2009 -- MSI Global Alliance (MSI) is delighted to announce the admission of Lubis Santosa & Maulana (LSM) to its growing worldwide membership of independent law and accountancy firms.

LSM was selected from a number of candidate firms in Jakarta and brings additional strength to an Asian legal membership that also includes leading independent law firms Lehman Lee & Xu (China), Chooi & Company (Malaysia), ONC Lawyers (Hong Kong), Kojima Law Offices (Japan), and Rajinder Narain & Co and Chandan Associates (India).

The appointment enables LSM, a Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners recommended firm, to remain fully independent, while broadening the scope of services available to its clients through access to a carefully selected worldwide association of over 250 independent law and accounting firms in 100 countries.

With multinational corporations comprising a growing share of LSM's client base, the need to refer clients to trusted, independent law firms with strong commercial teams and international experience in other jurisdictions has become hugely important. Membership will allow LSM to continue to benefit from existing law firm relationships, while accessing an additional source of referrals from overseas.

LSM is a 30-lawyer, full service law firm established in 1986 whose practice encompasses nearly every major area of law, but is divided into three major practice groups: Corporate and Commercial, Intellectual Property and Dispute Resolution.

Todung Mulya Lubis, LSM's Senior Partner, says: "MSI Global Alliance membership acknowledges our standing in the South East Asian region and will benefit our clients as well as boost our profile in Indonesia.

"Our admission to MSI Global Alliance also sends a message to Indonesian companies that we are ready and capable of assisting them with global transactions."

James Mendelssohn, MSI's Chief Executive, says: "Lubis Santosa & Mualana is an impressive firm that has been able to meet our stringent membership criteria of impeccable service standards and a broad, internationally-oriented, commercial practice. The firm will play an important part in the growth of our membership in South East Asia.

"MSI continues to appoint strong independent firms, with six firms having joined already in 2009. The economic downturn provides a good opportunity for the medium sized firm with established international links as in-house counsel and CFOs go in search of professional firms that offer better value through partner involvement, lower fees and international expertise."

Mendelssohn continues: "While some firms are battening down the hatches, the more entrepreneurial firms are out there networking, connecting, referring, learning and doing their best to keep business flowing and confidence growing. This type of firm is certainly to be found within MSI, with managing partners recognising that to do nothing, however tempting, is a big risk.

"We are exploring opportunities to appoint further members in South East Asia, including Cambodia, Laos, Macau, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam, and interested firms are invited to come forward."

Clients doing business in Indonesia now have access to the full range of professional services through LSM and MSI's accounting firm member in Jakarta, Sulaimin & Rekan.

About MSI Global Alliance
MSI is an international association of independent professional firms, with over 250 member firms in 100 countries. MSI was formed in 1990 in response to the growing need for cross-border co-operation between professional services firms. For more information on MSI and its member firms, please go to

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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