Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What Barack Obama's Presidency Will Mean for Social Security Disability

With the election of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States, Americans have shifted their focus, directing their attention to Obama's new cabinet members, and how the Obama administration will address and take on national issues. One issue of focus that was not fully addressed during the election is the topic of Social Security Disability. A national disability lawyer takes aim at what we can expect from an Obama administration relative to the topic of SSDI and SSI disability.

Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) November 18, 2008 -- On November 4, 2008, Senator Obama gave his acceptance speech in Chicago, Illinois. As a result of winning 364 of the electoral votes, Barack Obama will be inaugurated as the next president of the United States on January 20, 2009.

Berry and Associates SSI lawyers help disabled consumers throughout the U.S.
Berry and Associates SSI lawyers help disabled consumers throughout the U.S.

During his two-year campaign Obama discussed a variety of topics that affect many Americans and presented a series of solutions to the nation's problems. One topic that did not gain national attention was the future of Social Security Disability. Matt Berry, a Social Security Disability lawyer reviews what type of "change" can be expected in the Social Security Disability System during an Obama administration.

Featured on BarackObama.com is a document titled, "Barack Obama and Joe Biden's Plan to Empower Americans with Disabilities," which describes and elaborates on Obama's plan to resolve the nation's Social Security Disability issues. The plan is divided into four parts (below), with the premise of the plan focusing on how the Obama administration plans to provide Americans with disabilities access to opportunities and the best quality of life.
1. Provide Americans with disabilities the educational opportunities they need to succeed
2. End discrimination and promote equal opportunity
3. Increase the employment rate of workers with disabilities
4. Support the independent, community-based living for Americans with disabilities

Barack Obama and Joe Biden's Plan to Empower Americans with Disabilities
Obama's Plan to Streamline SSA Backlog:
Obama supports a $150 million increase in the Social Security Administration's (SSA) budget. The Obama administration will be committed to streamlining the application and appeal process for individuals with disabilities, which they cite has been grossly under funded. For example:
- The SSA claims backlog has reached a record high of 755,000, an increase of over 440,000 since 2000.
- The average weight time for an appeals hearing is 505 days, compared to 258 days in 2000.

Currently fifty-four million Americans experience some form of disability, and that number is expected to grow as baby boomers reach their prime time.

The Social Security Administration estimates that a 20-year-old worker has a 30% chance of becoming disabled before reaching retirement age.

National Social Security Lawyer Matt Berry sees the existing frustrations disabled applicants have with the SSA. His firm, Berry and Associates operates the website NationalDisabilityLawyer.com as a disabled-consumer resource.

Social Security Lawyer's Opinion of the Obama Administration's Plan:
"There are questions around what the impact to the Social Security Administration (SSA) will be with the election of Barack Obama," explains Matt Berry, Founder and Principal of Berry and Associates. "There is speculation that 'not much' will change to address the long wait times for disability case hearings. Some fixes to the system that might occur are pushing back the retirement age, income indexing of retirement benefits and the prospect of increasing the amount of earned income that is subject to Social Security tax."

Social Security Disability Application Process - How to take Action:
The current backlog within the SSA is expected to last, and potentially increase for some time. If you are in the Social Security Disability Application process , here are some steps for you to consider. First, it is important you document your Social Security Disability impairments and symptoms. Presenting medical evidence is essential to winning your case. If your SSI Disability Application was denied, remember to not give up! There are Social Security Disability Lawyers and Social Security Attorneys available that can help you appeal your case.

About nationaldisabilitylawyer.com:
Nationaldisabilitylawyer.com is maintained by Berry & Associates. Berry and Associates Social Security Disability Lawyers are Attorneys that can help with SSDI, SSD and SSI Disability Benefit Claims. Learn what we do to help consumers fight for disability benefits by visiting nationaldisabilitylawyer.com.

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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