Friday, November 14, 2008

Family Lawyer Offers Five Tips for Saving Your Marriage This Holiday Season

The holidays can be hard on marriages. Raleigh, NC family lawyer Charles R. Ullman offers pointers for avoiding marital stress.

Raleigh, NC (PRWEB) November 15, 2008 -- The holiday season is upon us -- and for family lawyers like Charles R. Ullman in Raleigh, N.C., that can mean the beginning of divorce season.

"More people begin the divorce process in the month of January than any other month, which points to the fact that holiday stress is apt to push troubled marriages to the breaking point," Ullman says.

More people begin the divorce process in the month of January than any other month, which points to the fact that holiday stress is apt to push troubled marriages to the breaking point
Ullman's law firm, Charles R. Ullman & Associates, concentrates in family law cases, including divorces and separations. Ullman offers this advice to take the stress out of the holidays.

  • Watch the bottom line. Financial difficulties are the biggest cause of marital crisis, so don't make the mistake of overspending. Keeping a close eye on your finances, especially in the current economic crisis, is a big key to a stress-free holiday. "Plan a budget for you and your family," Ullman says. "Know how much you can spend, then stick to it."

  • Holiday guests. We all love our families, but there's nothing more stressful than having Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary -- and their six kids -- visiting for a long holiday weekend, according to Ullman. "Even your favorite sister-in-law and her husband can grate on your nerves after a few days," he says. The solution: Make sure you and your spouse agree about holiday visitors before you turn your home into a bed and breakfast, and know when to steer relatives to a nearby motel. "Also, remember there's a black sheep in every family," Ullman says. "Anticipate who you will be dealing with -- and always remember that this too will pass."

  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Many a cheerful holiday gathering has turned ugly when people overdo the alcohol. While a glass of wine can jolly up a holiday party, too much booze is an invitation to bad behavior -- especially where family is concerned and people are easily tempted to unleash their inner-angry-10-year-old after a few cocktails. "Keep the drinking to a minimum and remember to always serve food with alcohol at holiday gatherings," Ullman advises.

  • Remember to be patient while traveling. Holiday travel is a set-up for frustration and family squabbles. Expect delays and commit to staying calm if and when they happen. "Blowing your top at an airline clerk won't resolve a flight delay, and yelling at the kids in the back seat won't make traffic any less congested," Ullman says. "Don't start off your holiday trip with an argument. Bring diversions and snacks for the kids to ease travel boredom."

  • Remember the reason for the season. Whether you're celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas or Hanukah, remember the origin of the holiday and its purpose. It's not about maxing-out the credit cards and running around in high-stress mode trying to "get everything done" in time for the big day. Doing less is better, Ullman says, if it means a more joyous holiday. "Helping those less fortunate and giving thanks for our many blessings - these are the messages you want to embody for the holidays," says Ullman.

About Charles R. Ullman & Associates:
The law firm of Charles R. Ullman & Associates, located on 109 S. Bloodworth St. in Raleigh, NC, concentrates on family law, including child custody, child support, visitation, alimony, post-separation support, equitable distribution, alienation of affection and criminal conversation. Ullman is also a trained collaborative law attorney. For more information, contact the firm at (919)829-1006 or online at

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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