Thursday, August 7, 2008

Roni Deutch Adds A Quiz To Her Blog To Help Readers Assess Which Presidential Candidates Share Their Tax Views

The Tax Lady Roni Deutch aims to help the readers of her blog determine which Presidential candidates share their tax views by participating in an interactive quiz. Ms. Deutch posted the quiz to her blog earlier in the week as a part of her continued effort to bring attention to each candidate's tax proposals.

North Highlands, CA (PRWEB) August 7, 2008 -- Roni Deutch has added an interactive quiz to her personal blog - Roni Deutch: The Tax Lady Blog, that helps users decide which presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain or Sen. Barack Obama, shares their tax views.

"It is important to understand the Presidential candidate's tax proposals when you decide who to vote for this November," claims The Tax Lady Roni Deutch. "Economists across the country are predicting a recession, and the tax views of our next president could have an enormous impact on the lives of every American taxpayer."

You can take the quiz by clicking here: Roni Deutch: The Tax Lady Blog - Presidential Tax Views Quiz. When you begin the quiz, it will show you a series of tax related statements that you can either agree or disagree with. At the end, the quiz will tell you which candidate more closely shares your tax views. Some of the statements that are included in the quiz are as follows:
1. Currently it is too easy for congress to raise taxes; we should change the law to require a 3/5 super majority to pass any new tax increases.
2. Our current tax system is skewed and I support making it much more progressive.
3. The capital gains rate should stay at 15%. Increasing it would be bad for the economy.
4. We should completely repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), instead of trying to fix it or adjust it for inflation.

Millions of people recognize tax attorney Roni Deutch as The Tax Lady. She has been helping taxpayers nationwide resolve their tax liabilities for 17 years. As an industry leader, she has saved her clients tens of millions of dollars and has helped thousands of families settle their back taxes.

This election season, Ms. Deutch voluntarily took on the task of educating the public about the tax views of the presidential candidates. She has been featured on FOX Business as a commentator and compared Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama's tax plans to their own individual tax returns. She also played devil's advocate to Air America's Thom Hartmann by defending some aspects of Sen. McCain's tax plan compared to Sen. Obama's plan. And she has had multiple blog posts on the tax views of the candidates on her own personal blog, as well as her tax preparation franchise's blog - Roni Deutch Tax Center - Tax Help Blog.

Roni Lynn Deutch, A Professional Tax Corporation is the nation's largest tax resolution law firm and focuses on negotiating with the IRS on their client's behalf. Since she first opened her law firm it has been Ms. Deutch's ongoing goal to provide competent and professional legal services to the millions of innocent taxpayers that find themselves in trouble with the IRS.

About Roni Lynn Deutch, A Professional Tax Corporation:
Roni Lynn Deutch, A Professional Tax Corporation is a nationally recognized law firm that has been helping clients find solutions to their back tax liabilities for 17 years. To find out more about the law firm or its IRS tax relief services, visit their website at or call 1-888-TAX-LADY. To learn more about The Tax Lady Roni Deutch you can visit her blog or YouTube profile.

Mathew Guiver
Roni Lynn Deutch, A Professional Tax Corporation

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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