Monday, August 4, 2008

Americas Watchdog Says Auction Rate Securities Victims Need To Stop Waiting & Act Now

Americas Watchdog is encouraged by the federal and or state investigations now involving Citi Group and Merrill Lynch. According to Americas Watchdog, "add these firms to UBS and Wachovia, and we call it progress for the 150,000 auction rate securities victims. In fact, we expect two more big US banks to be added to the list,within the next two weeks". "That's the good news", according to Americas Watchdog, "but now is not the time to fall asleep at the switch". Auction rate securities victims should call Americas Watchdog at 866-714-6466 for a game plan, or suggestions on what to do. Or visit their web site at

(PRWEB) August 4, 2008 -- Americas Watchdog has been fighting for victims of the US auction rate securities scandal for nearly six months. Auction rate securities victims can call Americas Watchdog anytime at 866-714-6466 for free help and advice.

According to Americas Watchdog, "actually this is more than just a scandal, it is the worst case of fraud in US history, and we are doing everything we can think of, to help the 150,000 auction rate securities victims. We were happy to see Citi Group and Merrill Lynch get added to what will soon be growing list of big US or European banks or stock brokerage firms under investigation. Expect two more big US banks in the next two weeks". That's the good news.

News Image

Now The Bad News For Individuals With Auction Rate Securities:

According to Americas Watchdog, "we have been involved in helping in federal & state investigations before, and don't get your hopes up. The best you can expect is about the same as a auction rate securities class action-------ten cents on the dollar. We are advising against class actions, we are strongly encouraging auction rate securities victims to call us, so we can explain the restricted trading network, and give them the names of the best securities arbitration attorneys in the country". Auction rate securities victims can call Americas Watchdog anytime at 866-714-6466.

Americas Watchdog is also warning;"there are only a handful of securities arbitration attorneys in the country that:

  • A. Know what they are doing &
  • B. Will not rip you off either by going into arbitration not knowing what they are doing, or charge you a huge retainer fee & then never hear from them again".

If you are a victim of the auction rate securities fraud involving auction rate shares (ARS), auction rate preferred shares (ARPS) & especially those of you who have student loan auction rate securities (SLARS), call Americas Watchdog anytime at 866-714-6466 or visit their web site at

From a statistical standpoint only 1 in 10 individuals involved in a scheme like auction rate securities get their money back. According to Americas Watchdog, "we want every victim of the auction rate securities fraud to get as much of their money back as possible, and arbitration is the only way it will happen". Even with the UBS e-mail, or what we expect to come out of Wachovia, Citi Group and Merrill Lynch, its only worth something in arbitration, where you might get attorneys fees and or punitive damages".

"As long as we are talking reality, we are also advising all auction rate securities victims to have their stock broker or bank manager/investment officer to put in writing that everything will be ok, or don't worry we are working very hard at fixing this". Its a lie that they will not put in writing. This is especially true for those of you who were defrauded with student loan auction rate securities". (same as cash, liquid, no risk=fraud and a lie)

Americas Watchdog says, "if you have student loan auction rate securities, if your auction rate securities statement shows a mark down, if your stock broker or banker is not returning your calls, we will help you fight to get your money back. After talking to over 2000 victims, many of whom are senior citizens, working class people or disabled people, who were all cheated by their bank or stock broker with ARPS, ARS or SLARS, Americas Watchdog will not back down for one simple reason- its now personal".

Auction rate securities victims can call Americas Watchdog anytime at 866-714-6466 or visit their web site at

"Americas Watchdog is devoted to the idea of getting every auction rate security victim as much of their money back as possible, from stock brokers and banks that lied about a safe, just like cash liquid investment".

"The gloves are off".

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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