Wednesday, July 16, 2008

eClaris Becomes Certified on the Ringtail eDiscovery Platform from FTI Consulting, Inc.

eDiscovery Firm Earns Prestigious FTI Service Partner Certification

Los Angeles (PRWEB) July 16, 2008 -- eClaris LLC, a leading eDiscovery firm, today announced that it has obtained the prestigious FTI Service Partner certification from FTI Consulting, Inc. The certification illustrates eClaris' dedication to acquiring the leading technology and training capabilities to better support its clients.

The FTI Service Partner designation enhances eClaris' eDiscovery capabilities by empowering their clients to provide services to users of the Ringtail® flexible document review software platform, a litigation support system that continually scales to meet unique data requirements of law firms, corporations and governments. In addition, eClaris' clients will now be able to have their load files and processed data hosted by the FTI Ringtail On-Demand platform.    

Resultant in working with FTI eClaris will now be able to further minimize the time and costs associated with eDiscovery by using Ringtail's data import files. eClaris' clients will benefit from an improved ability to manage the risks of associated with e-data.

By obtaining the certification eClaris has demonstrated that its personnel have mastered the Ringtail load file and are capable to troubleshoot data issues for users of the Ringtail Legal system. eClaris passed an intense certification process before qualifying for the Service Partner certification. Working with FTI eClaris will now be able to further minimize the time and costs associated with eDiscovery by using Ringtail's data import files. Their clients will benefit from an improved ability to manage the risks of associated with e-data.

"You can not discount the positive impact that FTI Ringtail technology has had on the document review process," says Jacques Nack Ngue, Managing Partner/Lead eDiscovery Specialist, eClaris, LLC. "We look forward to helping law firms and corporations by offering services to support the Ringtail software."

About eClaris
eClaris is a dynamic eDiscovery firm dedicated to helping law firms classify process and review electronically stored data. As a leading provider of eDiscovery services since 2004, eClaris combines top-notch legal expertise with latest in scalable technology to provide clients with cost effective, accurate and accessible data in a timely fashion. eClaris' eDiscovery services cover each of the eight critical steps of the eDiscovery process: Early Case Assessment, Data Harvesting, Data Preservation, Data Processing, Document Review, Document Production, Exhibit Identification/Trial Preparation and Regulatory Storage. eClaris is a privately held company. For more information, visit or call 213.623.1620.

eClaris, LLC | 800 West 6th Street, Suite 1410, Los Angeles, CA 90017 | Tel. 213.623.1620 | Fax. 213.623.2321 | Contact: Michael Swarz, Marketing Director | mswarz @

FTI, FTI Consulting and Ringtail are registered trademarks of FTI Consulting, Inc. and are used with permission.

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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