Thursday, July 10, 2008

Charles Kuck Inducted as President of American Immigration Lawyers Association

Charles Kuck was introduced as the new President of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (“AILA”) on Thursday, June 26, 2008. This renowned national organization of over 11,000 immigration attorneys and law professors held its annual conference on Immigration Law from June 25 to 28, 2008, in Vancouver, Canada. During the President’s Installation speech, Mr. Kuck outlined his vision for AILA during his one-year tenure.

Vancouver, BC (Vocus/PRWEB ) July 10, 2008 -- Charles Kuck, Managing Partner of leading multi-state immigration law firm, Kuck Casablanca & Odom, LLC, was introduced as the new President of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (“AILA”) at its 2008 Annual Conference on Thursday, June 26, 2008.

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Charles Kuck, a renowned champion of immigration advocacy and reform, addressed the thousands of attendees with a call to action; he asked AILA member attorneys to recognize a duty to speak out against immigrant injustice and give back to this often helpless community. The galvanizing speech was met with overwhelming support.

Mr. Kuck challenged the gathered immigration attorneys to fight back in the courts over government encroachment on the constitutional rights dear to every American citizen and publicly advocate for the good created by a positive, comprehensive change to our immigration system. He also announced a commitment to initiate a pro bono campaign for military service members and their families, stating “These individuals are the ones that need our utmost loyalty and respect. Yet they are hampered and sometimes abused by the bureaucracy system of DHS.”

The American Immigration Lawyers Association is the preeminent national organization on Immigration Law, with more than 11,000 members comprised of attorneys and law professors. These members represent countless individuals, families and businesses in need of immigration-related assistance and advice in the United States and abroad.

Charles Kuck expressed his unwavering commitment to the basic rights guaranteed to all persons, stating, “I call on us to no longer stand for injustice against immigrants, because injustice against immigrants is injustice against ourselves. We can no longer afford to let our politicians run amuck with paranoid dreams, sacrificing the basic rights and liberties that we enjoy as Americans. When we let the Federal and the State Governments take basic rights away from immigrants, we are simply letting them take them away from ourselves. And we cannot let that stand any longer. Please help those who cannot help themselves. Be that force for good.”

Click here to view the video clip of Charles Kuck's inspiring AILA Installation Speech.

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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