Saturday, June 14, 2008

Rabbi Mordecai Tendler Scores Another Appellate Victory Adding to a Line of Court Victories Stretching From Jerusalem, New York, and Now California

Rabbi who has been the subject of a long running internet defamation campaign wins court decision against anonymous bloggers.

New York, NY (PRWEB) June 15, 2008 -- Rabbi Mordecai Tendler's prolonged legal battle, has once again received powerful positive momentum from a string of decisions from courts in New York (, California (, and the Chief Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem, Israel (

In the latest court victory, a decision issued on June 10th 2008 by the California Court of Appeals, the court ruled against the legal arguments of Paul Alan Levy of the "Public Citizen Litigation Group" ( in Washington, DC and Cindy A. Cohn of the "Electronic Frontier Foundation" in San Francisco, CA, who allegedly argued on behalf of multiple anonymous internet bloggers. Levy's case was based on affidavits he obtained from Yosef Blau and Mark S. Dratch, alleged prominent players in the campaign against Rabbi Tendler ( The lower court decision which was reversed was the subject of much internet publicity.

The case has been remanded where the court may not entertain any application for counsel fees, and perhaps may entertain appropriate re-filing of applications for the issuance of subpoenas to obtain the identity of bloggers who in an Ohio defamation action are claimed to have libeled Rabbi Tendler (see California link above). In oral arguments before the appellate court, Rabbi Tendler named one of the suspected bloggers. That suspected blogger, allegedly resides in Ohio and was involved in a particularly acrimonious matrimonial matter many years ago. In issues relating to that case, a member of Rabbi Tendler's family served in a rabbinical capacity.

See Also:

[Via Legal / Law]

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