Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wave Software Partners with Vivísimo for E-Discovery Pre-Review

Orlando-based Wave Software, an innovator in the de-duplication, re-generation and export of native e-mail files, announced today it has joined in partnership with Vivísimo, a leading provider of enterprise search software and expertise, to provide a combined solution that offers highly productive first pass culling and pre-review for electronic discovery and regulatory response.

Orlando, Fla. (PRWEB) February 5, 2008 -- Orlando-based Wave Software, an innovator in the de-duplication, re-generation and export of native e-mail files, announced today it has joined in partnership with Vivísimo, a leading provider of enterprise search software and expertise, to provide a combined solution that offers highly productive first pass culling and pre-review for electronic discovery and regulatory response.

With Vivísimo's product, Velocity 6.0, quick concept search and culling can occur before attorney review. Vivísimo Velocity's Enterprise Search platform allows for conceptual and metadata search, annotation and tagging of documents, all of which result in more productive culling.

Wave Software's product Trident Pro is designed for first pass data culling by fast de-duplication and key word filtering. Any users can rapidly cull and create a pristine PST or NSF without duplicates, and all metadata intact. Trident Pro provides reports and logs that outline what was processed. Even with multiple PST or NSF files on the source data, Trident can remove duplicate e-mails and create one resulting PST or NSF file per custodian.

"With the new advancements, Trident Pro can allow clients and channel partners to achieve new levels of scalability and performance," said Robert Childress, President of Wave Software. "By combining Velocity 6.0 with our powerful Trident Pro, we decreased the searching and culling aspect of discovery tremendously and legal teams will be able to assign reviewers to smaller data sets, thus lowering the cost of review. Expanding beyond typical e-discovery processing applications, Trident Pro enables support for high-volume, complex litigation projects. Its advanced concept search and tagging capabilities paves the way for Wave's capabilities to offer an even faster and more cost-effective electronic discovery application."

Typical User Workflow:

1.   Wave Software's Trident - De-duplicate e-mails, both Microsoft Outlook PST and IBM Lotus NSF.
2.   Vivisimo's Velocity - Complex searching and preview of the unique messages.
After messages have been de-duped, unique messages are then indexed by Velocity. By using Velocity's powerful navigational capabilities, users can quickly explore indexed content by concept or metadata (authors, dates, subjects, etc.), allowing for rapid organization, preview and tagging of the messages.
3.   Wave Software's Trident -Creates new subset PST or NSF files from tagged Velocity records. Trident e-mail re-generation process can take the selected records from Velocity and create new, clean e-mail files for further processing.
"Wave Software is great to work with from both a technical and business perspective," said Mark Dye, Vivisimo's vice president of Business Development. "Vivísimo and Wave Software have enabled legal professionals in litigation and electronic discovery to take advantage of the best technology with this combined solution."

About Wave Software
Wave Software, based in Orlando, Florida, provides the fastest, most accurate de-duplication, re-generation and export of native e-mail files. Wave Software's flagship product, Trident, provides litigators in-house capability to cut down data sets to manageable amounts and then upload onto repositories for review and production. Wave Software offers software, consulting and training specialized in the legal industry.

For more information, visit or call 1-888-225-6913.

Press Contact:
Richard Clark
Vice President Business Development
Wave Software
4580 Concord Landing, Ste.109
Orlando, FL 32839
P: 888.225.6913

Source: PRWeb: Legal / Law

See Also

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