Friday, February 8, 2008

Has A Homeowner In Washington State Developed A Plumbing Leak From A Kitec Brass Fitting?

Americas Watchdog's Homeowners Consumer Center is conducting an investigation in Washington State involving a plumbing part known as a Kitec brass fitting. The Kitec brass fitting investigation is focused on the Seattle, Tacoma, the East side & Everett metro areas. The group would like to hear from homeowners or plumbers in Washington and any other state about their knowledge of this product in a home.

(PRWEB) February 4, 2008 -- Americas Watchdog's Homeowners Consumer Center is conducting a investigation in Washington state involving a plumbing part known as a Kitec brass fitting. The specific focus of this investigation is homeowners who may have information, or plumbers who may have information about the Kitec plumbing "brass fitting" product. Homeowners, or plumbers in Seattle, Tacoma, the East side & Everett are the primary focus of this investigation. However, "any homeowner, or plumber with specific information about the Kitec "brass fitting" plumbing product used primarily in new residential homes prior to January 1st 2005, should contact the Homeowners Consumer Center immediately, at 866-714-6466".

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A class action lawsuit has been filed in Nevada (case number A493302) related to Kitec brass fittings. The Homeowners Consumer Center is trying to discover if homeowners in Washington state, have had any problems, or issues with this plumbing product. The Homeowners Consumer Center has established that the Kitec brass fitting plumbing part was installed in new homes built in Western Washington. The Homeowners Consumer Center has also heard that the Kitec brass fitting plumbing part may have been installed in new homes throughout Washington State. The Kitec plumbing system is a "Pex" (plastic pipe) type plumbing system with connections that are made of brass. It is the questions about the "Kitec brass fittings" that led to the Nevada Class Action.

If a consumer purchased a new home in Western Washington, and it has Kitec brass fittings, they should call the Homeowners Consumer Center. "If a Washington State homeowners has suffered a plumbing failure due to a Kitec brass fitting, they should contact the Homeowners Consumer Center immediately". If a plumber has specific information involving Kitec brass fittings they should contact the Homeowners Consumer Center ( Homeowners or plumbers can call the Homeowners Consumer Center anytime at 866-714-6466. If a homeowner is not sure what type of plumbing system they have in their new home, they should contact their home builder for specifics.

The Homeowners Consumer Center is a national leader in homeowner advocacy and information. Their web site is located at

Source: PRWeb: Legal / Law

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