Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dr Hotlist Highlights Dangerous Doctors

DrHotList seeking super hero legal team to sue dangerous doctors and attorneys who represent these doctors in civil and malpractice cases

Beverly Hills, CA (PRWEB) February 5, 2008 -- Gyn Global, Inc. has announced plans today to launch a new platform called Dr Hotlist to highlight doctors that pose an imminent danger to patients and society. After working closely with physicians in a consulting capacity staffers of the organization became aware of how dangerous some doctors truly are. Gyn Global Managing Director, Rhonda Coleman green lighted the Dr. Hot List project. "Our duty is to protect patients and the public first and foremost." adds Amy Patton, Dr. Hot List researcher.

Dr. Hot List aims to provide a big helping hand to the patients and victims of dangerous doctors by assisting with referrals for legal assistance when patients and victims choose to sue, providing non violent protest and picketing support at medical boards, government institutions or hospitals where dangerous doctors work and offering support groups and a support line. Dr. Hot List will also assist medical boards, administrators and others by providing information.

The appropriate governing institutions must stop trying to protect these doctors and keep their deeds hidden from the public. Patients have a right to know if and why a physician is on the hot list, this should in my opinion be a part of full disclosure before being examined by this doctor. "Who is looking out for the best interest of the patients rights anyway?" adds Coleman.

According to Dr Hot List estimates 35% of doctors are dangerous and giving medicine a bad name. This high percentage of dangerous docs on the national hotlist is bad for business for all parties. Its also alarming news for patients who should be wary of those doctors who lose privileges and are members of a new elite club called the National Practitioner Data Bank Hot Sheet.

From her experience, Coleman believes this estimate reflects physicians at a high risk for posing an imminent danger to patients and the public fall under the following categories: unethical, immoral,psychopathic profiles and many of these doctors who make the national hot list are burned out and need to retire. Most solo practitioners with privileges at multiple hospitals and heavy case loads are at the highest risk. Multiple divorce, complex personal drama and doctors who hide behind the excuse of so called addictions to mask their irresponsible behavior and negligence are also among the highest precentage of hot listed docs. Doctors who are not qualified to perform cosmetic surgery including doctors who have only taken a weekend course and then the following week they are performing controversial medical procedures such as laser vaginal rejuvenation, liposuction, tummy tucks, breast augmentation and other complex surgeries. Doctors that are experiencing extreme financial distress, involved in multiple lawsuits typically try to cut corners and because they have so many multiple fires burning down their 'career forest' they will inevitably pose an imminent danger to patients.

The problem is further complicated by medical professionals not turning their peers in even when they know the doctor poses a significant threat. The medical boards must make this information on doctors who make the national hot sheet easily accessible or widely known.

Who is looking out for the poor and the minorities who are patients of many of these hot listed doctors especially when medical and medicare typically don't give two cents if doctors are on the national hot list or not. African American and Hispanics organizations should take action to protect patients who are being followed or operated on by this type of physician. In some cases these patients are at risk simply because some minority patients including Hispanics may have language barrier issues and most minority patients are not receiving full disclosure that the doctor has loss his privileges due to being an imminent danger to patients. How then can these groups be expected to protect themselves? In many states and also in California organizations like medical and medicare have a responsibility to also protect patients. The low income, minority and those receiving state funded medical insurance deserve to receive the best care available by non dangerous practitioners. Medical and Medicare and private insurers are just as liable and should be held accountable for not putting an end to the payor relationship. Imminent danger docs should not have the privilege of getting rich off of state funded insurance programs. A low income minority patient is a human being and has just as many rights as a affluent, caucasian patient.

Dr. Hot List aims to keep medicine safe and hold physicians accountable. Dr. Hot List is currently seeking an expert legal team to advise the new organization, handle media interviews, to act as a referral base for clients, victims and patients seeking representation for malpractice or civil litigation cases against dangerous doctors, hospitals and physician licensure organizations. Dr. Hot List also seeks super hero support to take on legal malpractice cases because it has been Coleman's experience that many attorneys are part of the physician client's problem. Interested expert attorneys and victims rights advocates with the kahoonies to help us fight for justice and wish to represent victims of physicians regarding rape , malpractice or civil suits can contact Dr Hot List at Patients or victims of a dangerous doctor and others may contact Dr Hot List directly by email at Written correspondence or snail mail can be sent to Dr Hot List 9701 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1000 Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Source: PRWeb: Legal / Law

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