Friday, October 5, 2007

Country Music's Rebecca Frederick Scores Record Deal with Super Agent David Vercruysse and Platinum Plus Universal Records in Nashville

Oklahoma country music sweetheart Rebecca Frederick has signed a new record deal with the help of super agent David Vercruysse and Entertainment lawyer M. Colin Brown.

Hollywood, Nashville, New York (PRWEB) October 5, 2007 -- Oklahoma country music sweetheart Rebecca Frederick has signed a new record deal with the help of super agent David Vercruysse and Entertainment lawyer M. Colin Brown. The beautiful brown eyed sweetheart of Ada has scored a touchdown deal with one of Billboard's top 10 accredited labels in Nashville. For Frederick it's like winning the Superbowl of country music.

Frederick started her career on indie label Heartland Records. The beautiful brown eyed and energetic country artist brought a great track record of success to the table in negotiating her new deal with Platinum Plus Universal in Nashville. "Every artist needs two things to make a record deal work in Nashville" and that is (1) a great agent to help direct them to the right producers and (2) investors who can put together the funding for that career with the help of an investment law firm in Nashville. Rebecca Frederick had both going into negotiations with Charles E Fach, Jr., who is the Chairman of one of Nashville's premier labels, Platinum Plus Universal. Super agent David Vercruysse goes back a long way with Fach and MCA Universal producer Robert Metzgar. Vercruyssee worked with Eddie Kilroy, Robert Metzgar & Tony Migliore when he was CEO for Mickey Gilley Enterprises and Fach was working for Mercury Records in New York. "Vercruysse knows the right people to contact to move an artist forward in country music."

Source: PRWeb: Legal / Law

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