Friday, January 4, 2008

Robert Aronov, New York Personal Injury Lawyer, Offers Important Tips on Choosing the Right Attorney

A leading New York personal injury lawyer, Robert Aronov, offers accident victims advice on how to chose the right attorney. Aronov believes that accident victims seek more than just financial compensation; they also want justice and vindication. Aronov operates his own web site at

Jamaica, NY (PRWEB) January 4, 2008 -- Individuals who are injured in an accident that results from someone else's negligence have a very important choice to make: who to select as a lawyer to represent them.

The choice of a personal injury attorney, says Robert Aronov, may well be the most important step for accident victims on the road to recovery. Aronov, a prominent New York personal injury lawyer, believes that in many instances the choice of a personal injury attorney can have more bearing on how victims ultimately feel about the resolution of their complaints than the pure financial award.

"Money alone is seldom what accident victims seek when they bring a lawsuit," Aronov says. "Often, the pursuit of justice and a desire to obtain vindication is equally if not more important," he says.

Aronov says that lawyers who only represent their clients' financial claims can be insensitive to their clients' emotional claims. "Our job is to try - often against impossible odds, to restore our clients' lives as closely as possible to their pre-accident states," Aronov says. "In that respect, spiritual recovery often is as vital a step in the healing process as financial restitution."

Aronov advises accident victims to ask attorneys who they are thinking about retaining just how much face-to-face personal time they will receive while pursuing justice. Aronov, himself, deliberately restricts the number of cases he and his colleagues at Robert Aronov & Associates accept in order to ensure that each client gets close, personal attention.

"Ask a prospective attorney, 'How many cases do you currently represent,'" Aronov recommends. If the answer is many hundreds or thousands, ask the attorney how he or she will find time to give you and your case the personalized care you deserve, he adds.

"An attorney who obtains a decent financial settlement for clients but never takes the time to meet with them or to address their emotional needs, only heals part of their wounds," Aronov says. "Accidents victims have already forfeited some control of their lives. The last thing they need is to lose control over their own cases," he adds. "The reason we call our profession 'Personal Injury Law' is because the cases are very personal to those bringing them."

For more information on how to select a competent and caring personal injury lawyer, contact Robert Aronov & Associates, with five convenient offices in Queens, Brooklyn and New York City. You may phone 718-206-1555 or visit the firm's site at

Source: PRWeb: Legal / Law

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