Thursday, January 3, 2008

InterLegis Speeds Discovery Review with "Relationship Mining" Feature

InterLegis, Inc., an innovator of Web-based digital document management services, today announced the unique "relationship mining" feature available through Discovery360™, the company's flagship e-discovery processing, culling and review application. Relationship mining allows users to identify distinctive relationships shared by documents in a collection. Using this new feature, reviewers can retrieve the attributes of any document or document list, quickly finding related documents - those that share relevant "common threads" - with one click of a mouse.

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) January 3, 2008 -- InterLegis, Inc., an innovator of Web-based digital document management services, today announced the unique "relationship mining" feature available through Discovery360™, the company's flagship e-discovery processing, culling and review application. Relationship mining allows users to identify distinctive relationships shared by documents in a collection. Using this new feature, reviewers can retrieve the attributes of any document or document list, quickly finding related documents - those that share relevant "common threads" - with one click of a mouse.    

The results of the 2007 Socha-Gelbmann Electronic Discovery Survey report that the e-discovery market has reached $2 billion and is expected by some industry experts to climb by more than 30 percent this year. With ever-increasing document collections come growing challenges associated with review due to database sizes. Reviewers need to rely on advanced technologies, such as relationship mining, to find relevant documents and speed review. InterLegis' Discovery360 offers a unique approach to document review resulting in measurable cost savings.

By leveraging the relationship mining tools in Discovery360, users can not only find related documents, but also see a quick view of exactly what content, concepts or meta data within the documents are shared to provide a faster means of determining whether more in-depth review is required. By finding relationships among documents that go beyond duplicates or near-duplicates, Discovery360 not only helps to quickly identify potentially relevant and responsive documents, but ensures that potentially relevant documents aren't missed during review. This speeds review time and ultimately yields cost savings to both legal professionals and their clients.

"Relationship mining is yet another feature that makes Discovery360 so unique in the marketplace. As more and more of our clients are becoming familiar with all of the tools encompassed in this application, the positive response has been overwhelming," said Kevin Carr, president of InterLegis. "And because Discovery360 is so intuitive and easy to learn, clients find they are able to leverage its many tools even faster than anticipated," he continued.

InterLegis recently announced enhancements to DataMapper, a data preview module within Discovery360. DataMapper is a secure, browser-based tool that delivers considerable time and cost savings to legal teams by allowing them to reduce the document collection before processing by testing "what-if" scenarios and removing duplicate documents. InterLegis clients pay only for the smaller data set that is processed post-culling and after de-duplication, rather than the entire document collection. After pre-processed data is culled, Discovery360 EDD completes the processing of electronic data and seamlessly delivers native files within the Discovery360 review and repository module.

InterLegis continues development to offer enhanced features and tools in Discovery360. The company also plans to launch an enterprise version of the application later this year.

About InterLegis, Inc.
Founded in 1998, InterLegis, Inc. enables corporations, law firms and legal service providers to reduce the risk, complexity and cost of litigation, regulatory requests and internal investigations. InterLegis uses unparalleled meta data and concept technologies to identify unique document relationships, resulting in faster review and effective coding. The company's flagship product, Discovery360™, includes powerful analysis tools that provide a 360 degree view of all documents based on all possible document attributes and highly advanced analytical technologies. These capabilities help legal teams to drive early and accurate case assessments using multiple analytic capabilities including concept, timeline, and message thread analysis, among others. InterLegis is a privately held company headquartered in Dallas, TX. For more information, visit

Kevin Carr
InterLegis, Inc.
1801 N. Lamar, Suite 201
Dallas, TX 75202
Phone: 214-468-8800

Source: PRWeb: Legal / Law

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